Anyone else miss Anduin? I do

Nope. I have always found it hard to believe he was actually related to Varian at all.

Anduin was good until community started with speculation now I can’t even see him with same eyes. Until proven otherwise.

But I miss King Varian. Blizzard should have never let him die. He should live eternal like some deity. Miss my true King

I always loved relationship between those two. How she was looking at him.

A king that only rules with words, but not with sword is doomed to fail and be overtaken.

“One must be willing to fight, in order to preserve peace”
Varian Wrynn


we all know she wants him. she wants to one up alleria and veressa. “you got a human general and a human mage, well i got a cross faction human king.”


Anduin? No. Maybe a little. I miss Varian, tho. Every damn day. There’s nothing so great as a worthy adversary, Varian gave the Alliance the back-bone they needed to be fun to play as and against.

There’s a big Varian shaped hole in the heart of this game, and four expansions on I don’t suspect it’s ever going to be filled.

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People tend to hate characters who, despite having a lot of reasons to be angry and hateful to the world, continuously choose love and actively vie for peace - which is what Anduin is.

Me, though, I’m incredibly partial to those types of characters because it’s something I myself deal with IRL with regards to depression and other mental health/life situational struggles. I really enjoy Anduin a lot, and though I think the whole SL thing was not… done well (like everything else in that expansion), I still appreciated the attempt, I guess. And while I loathe any attempt to acknowledge SL in the lore, if it provides some interesting character development for Anduin when he returns, then sure I guess.

Just bring my son back home, please. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Despite what I said above, I also really enjoyed Varian too. He was a fairly brutal, but fair man who stood as a solid pillar of the Alliance against threats both within and without - but was slowly tempered over time by the earnest desires his son held for peace and understanding. He never lost his own strength, but I feel the dynamic between Varian’s own prejudices being slowly wittled down by his son’s views, and that becoming a sort of guiding principle to his own actions, was incredibly well-done character development. His sacrifice still hurts, and is still one of the single most bad-a** things I’ve seen in WoW.


Nathanos sobs quietly in a corner. (And honestly, that is a weird family trait. You can have your pick of handsome, long lived elf men but pick bland, short lived humans to go after.)

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But the struggle of someone who wants peace and only knows how to “fight” with holy magic trying to defend his kingdom is interesting! How does he uphold his ideals while still being an effective wartime ruler? How does he sit on his father’s throne when his father was a powerful warrior and he’s a priest? That’s internal conflict, it’s juicy!

But this game needs strongman be strong, no internal conflict so he gets to be our eight trillionth paladin I guess.

(I mean he has internal conflict NOW because of Shadowlands. I consider this a stupid reason but I wasn’t impressed with how he was used in SL in general… Or how like anyone was used in SL. What was that expansion about again?)


once yrel comes to our timeline anduin will come back and marry her

Only after she genocides half the planet.

I also want to see him back on the throne. Even if he isn’t a major player in this expansion, it would be just good to see him back in Stormwind.


nah there will be the arc where she is evil but anduin redeems her and avoids catastrophe and yrel becomes queen with anduin as king and they both kill turalyon


Yrel will never get past me. hawkens post that in every wrathionxanduin shipping forum.
also valeera in that cinematic. drools

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they made valeera so hot and they did nothing with her

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if they did anything with her she would cause wrathion to explode in flames and we can’t have that.

wrathion will explode into flames on his own soon enough

They do need to bring back his Lion of Stormwind motif armor that he sported in the opening of BFA.

That lion helmet chef’s kiss c’est magnifique


Face it, Blizz has gotten rid of all the actual Heros of WOW and toxic masculinity is dead. If he comes back it will be a broken and weak form of Anduin. They are done having Male roles be strong.

Remember in Mists of Pandaria when Garrosh dropped the Divine Bell on him (sounds like a pro wresting move) and shattered his leg? And Blizzard was like “He’s totally maimed for life!” and he spent the rest of Mists sitting in Wrathion’s tavern with a cane?

Then in the opening of BFA he like punched a troll into a crater…

No he doesnt, Anduin has a fetish for any female that isn’t human. (Yes, this is actually mentioned in canon in not so many words)

He just likes Draenei the most.