Anyone else miss Anduin? I do

That’s what i’m afraid of. This new community speculation version of Anduin. I didn’t play wow much since DF like maybe a total of 20-30 hrs since launch, but I would definetly quit the game if they do that to Anduin what community wants and speculates

Blizz already made him weak with whatever they were going for in SL along with the constant reminder he still needs to be helped by good ol Dad, and Saurfang, to overcome his problems.

Also, any strong WoW male character seems to now be fodder to move the plot along.

Turalyon. Great general made into a bland throne warmer. Danath Trollbane. Who knows what’s going on with him. Tyrion Fordring. Great leader but needed away to give Ashbringer to the players. (Despite my Paladin having the abilities to heal and you know…bring him back to life. And he didn’t even show up in SL! :triumph: )

I mean BFA felt that way, he clearly saw in the battle for Undercity. He looked at his father’s sword tossed it into the dirt. Then called for the light an resurrected his wounded an fallen soliders. We even got the iconic light bubble priests have.
Anduin was made an artificial Death Knight while he was alive, he never died truly becoming a DK an hes really not built for the Paladin. I think hell probably train with Sylvan an come back not like a Dark Ranger but a Holy hybrid ranger. Which would work for him .

BFA Anduin was a good Anduin. I wasn’t wild about the BFA story either, but Alliance’s story was certainly more coherent than the Horde’s. Toe to tip that was an Anduin.

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I’d rather have seen them keep his mangled leg from confronting Garrosh in Mists of Pandaria and grow into a Philosopher-Priest King to contrast his father. Double points if his mysterious, aloof nature and perceived lack of martial skill kind of alienates him in the minds of the people of Stormwind.

Give him a rad cane, too.


The sad thing about BfA is that it started off really good to spark a grounded, coherent story of war between the Horde and the Alliance and then we trickled down into Saturday Cartoon Villain Sylvanas and everything becoming nonsense and led into Shadowlands.

We could have had more naval battles, making the Zandalari and Kul Tiran navy more integral. We could have focused more on finalizing some territorial disputes with Stromgarde, Lordaeron, Gilneas. Blizz could have fleshed out Tyrandes hunt for Sylvanas across EK/Kalimdor and potentially utilized Northrend and make it a more integral continent than a museum.

All around bad writing in BfA and SL. :anger:


Which is funny because the forums hated on Varian all the time.

Varian was my favorite leader. The potential to peak faction pride when he and Garrosh were the respective leaders was so high. And then they decided to kill them off!


do i dare to dream -sigh-

didn’t play much of shadowlands, and I still don’t feel like I really understand most of what happened. but by god am i not going to play all of the old patch content to figure it out.
i love anduin, and it made me real sad to come back to the game and find him missing. i can only hope that he’ll come back in a patch (and maybe i’ll pick up on what happened thru context clues lol)


I wish wod, bfa and shadowlands wouldn’t exist. :sweat_smile:
The other expansions have a lot of issues, too, regarding the story, but those three are just… oof.

Well it’s just me, Anduin will easily be turned into the narrate cancer if he returns as he was writer’s pet character, I do not mean it’s Anduin’s fault and I’m kinda like him but the fact is, Blizzard’s writing is so bad that it would be better for the characters if they keep missing or stay dead

I miss the guy. He’s roughly my son’s age, so they pretty much grew up together.

The teen you’re dragging all around Stormwind, and the “Don’t tell my father about this” cracks me up. There are a couple things that I know that my son’s father and step father do not know about and never will LOL

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I don’t miss him at all.

Yeah but not without enough certainty so let’s just not take a chance

I miss Tirion. :frowning:


Those two actually getting into a brawl would have been EPIC!

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They did clash. Varian almost killed Garrosh.

DK Tyrion could have been a thing but nooooo the light had to block us.

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Was that in one of the books? (Google-fu ftw).

Yeah, looks like it. I’ll admit, I have not yet read that one. The bit about them going ham in Ashenvale, yeah?

I was thinking more along the lines of an in-game Mak’gora (like what they did with Garrosh and Thrall).

I blame sentient windchimes.


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