As soon as i hit the button to pre purchase the xpac all of my retail characters vanished, it says i have no subscription, etc. I have closed out the launcher, cleared folders, etc. I am using the right account. I can still play my hardcore characters, but not retail.
I haven’t heard anything about this, but this is a question for customer support.
guess someone had to go first, lol…
Same thing has happened to me. Says my account is now on a free trial and everything is gone lmao
guess i wont pre-order then not yet anyway
Really look to make sure you’re on the right account. Check the drop down menu above the play button. I just went through and changed my sub because it said it was expired, but then after I did all that, I noticed it actually wasn’t on the right account in the dropdown menu
My entire main WoW account was missing from my launcher earlier.
The other 7 were there, just the one I play on most on my main Bnet.
It was telling me I needed to upgrade too, lol.
I had to shut the launcher down and restart to get the WoW acct to show up again.
Lmao right! I ain’t losing my peeps. Heck’s no.
This pretty much, after some looking around, I noticed my account was sent to something else.
Please check that you have purchased, and launched the game on the correct region…
Don’t make my mistake. I made a post on the support forum, I hope it helps.
Regardless, a refund should be swift and easy.
Exactly this.
Try this out because it’s likely the culprit.
its cause you have multiple wow accounts/trials on your account and it switched it, switch back to your main account
When I went to buy the expansion I didnt even have the usual dropdown and could only launch into my trial account. Completely restarting fixed it though.
Check this post for various solutions
I lost mine momentarily. My main WoW account disappeared and only an old alternate one that I don’t use anymore was available. I thought I lost my account and was going to send in a ticket, but it fixed itself pretty quickly after I restarted the launcher.
lost it all. Rebooted, everything , all my toons are gone. Just bought the epic upgrade and re-upped for another 6 months
same! I even thought re-upping for another 6 months would do it. Nada, new 6 month sub, new epic game ALL toons gone. Sheesh.
Restarting the Bnet launcher fixed this for me.