Anyone else DHK's today despite not doing going to a pvp area?

As soon as I logged in today I had 15DHK’s for today. But also, my lifetime DHK’s has not changed from last week. Whats the deal


Yeah, i had a DHK, and i was in DM all day. Havent even grouped

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I guess all those people who told you DKHs don’t matter week 1 were wrong. Oops.

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pvp ranking is so easy nowadays, getting some DHKs will make it more challenging at least :expressionless:

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Are you short on progression?

If no then it’s the honor tab being a typical trolling liar pile of crap as it’s been since the 1.14 client and 1.15 client are straight up busted for tracking information or working properly.

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yeah isn’t this the same client that’s been putting party members in the middle of the ocean on the map? :expressionless:


Yeah 1.15 is busted AF.

Bring back 1.13

I tried so hard to explain that the honor system in Classic works the same as it did in SoD, and that DHKs would cause a reduction in the honor locked in on Tuesday’s reset. Their argument? Since there was no honor from the week prior, DHKs wouldn’t matter.

I explained, repeatedly, that once honor is locked in, it isn’t taken away and any penalty is applied to what you earn for the week, reducing your total on Tuesday.

As the lead of one of the Southshore raids, I made it clear we’d stay south of the East/West road to avoid pulling the civilian at TM and risking DHKs. Despite that, a few raid members thought it would be funny to intentionally go for the civilian and try to drag it into range of the raid. Completely toxic behavior. How pathetic to you have to be to go out of your way to sabotage the whole raid group.

I managed to remove two of them before they got close enough to cause trouble, but the fact that it even happened is just sad.

From my understanding of layering, not every layer contains every map instance. If your party members are in a map that isn’t present on your current layer, their location can’t be properly identified. As a result, your client might display them in the middle of the ocean or another placeholder location because it doesn’t know their exact coordinates.

Once that player enters a map that exists on your layer, the client can accurately track and display their location on your map.

Hope this helps!

that makes sense :expressionless: just another reason to despise all this excessive layering.

You’re ignorant.

DKs did nothing last week. I know because I got a few of them and I’m exactly where ranker says I should be regardless.

It only affects your current rank points, of which nobody possessed last week, and thus DKs did nothing. You’re spreading misinformation. I don’t know what you “explained repeatedly” but you were explaining BS without knowing what you’re talking about.

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Look, I’m just trying to explain how this works. Dishonorable kills don’t affect previous rank points, but they absolutely reduce the honor you earn this week. Since last week was a fresh start, there were no rank points to lose, which might explain why you didn’t notice a difference. But moving forward, those DHKs will hit your honor locked in on reset, and that will affect your rank.

If you think I’m wrong, then actually back it up with some facts. I’m happy to have a real discussion, but I’m not going to waste my time dealing with someone who throws around insults instead of adding anything useful. Honestly, if all you’ve got are baseless claims and toxic rants, you’re just proving you have nothing of value to contribute.

If you knew what you were talking about, you’d know that a dishonorable kill last week meant absolutely nothing. It didn’t negatively affect anyone.

Your rank points are represented by the blue bar in your honor tab.

Everyone was at 0% rank 0 last week, so there was no rank points to negatively affect. It is an instant hit to your rank bar, there is no delayed effect to your honor reset amount or anything of the sort. It even says IN-GAME: “each kill you get ‘IMMEDIATELY’ reduces your overall ranking slightly”. Key word: immediately.

It worked exactly this way in Season of Discovery and Classic 2019 too, you can even google it and find reddit threads of people asking this question back then both times and you can see it in the replies people saying exactly what I am.

Don’t try to explain things to people when you don’t even understand how it works yourself. I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just being blunt.

Starting this week now that people have ranked up, yes, DKs are a no-no obviously, but if you were freaking out last week about DKs and kicking people from raids in fear of them, you were just incorrect and stressing over nothing.

In the second sentence, you prove my point. That is actually, literally, what DKs do.

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Unfortunately, there’s no official Blizzard documentation available at the moment for the exact mechanics of the SoD honor system as it pertains to DHKs. However, from what we know, the DHK penalty applies to the current week’s honor and does not affect previously locked honor from past weeks.

Given there’s no direct guidance from Blizzard on this, and considering the fact that the first week’s ranking was entirely based on honor earned from WPvP, I wasn’t about to risk anything that could negatively impact my progress on Tuesday’s reset.

Unlike you, I prefer to play it safe and focus on facts rather than relying on Reddit posts. I made sure to avoid any DHKs to ensure my honor was fully intact, rather than acting like I already knew everything without actually testing it.

you were freaking out over DHKs that didn’t matter dude :expressionless:
at least you got some practice for when it actually matters though.

I’m struggling to see how I’m the one ‘freaking out’ when I’ve stayed calm the entire time. Zipzo was the one throwing insults, not me. I’m not even stressed. Just here for answers and discussion. Turns out I found one of those toxic people along the way.

Dude, I am not being toxic, I’m simply explaining something to you and you’re calling me toxic and getting pressed over being wrong. That is toxic.

I’ll try to explain it as clear as I can for you.

No, you are indicating here that you either don’t understand the terminology or something.

There’s 2 progression aspects as part of the honor system:

  1. Honor
  2. Rank points

These are a holdover from the “old” system from before the changes, and they are still used in a similar way with a few major differences.

Honor is a score that increases upon killing a player, or receiving “bonus honor” from battleground wins and call to arms weekends.

Rank points is what you are awarded every Tuesday at the weekly reset, scaled to and based on your total weekly accumulated honor, and the total amount of rank points you have is constantly reflected by the blue bar in your honor tab.

Dishonorable kills are an instantaneous hit to your rank points. Not your honor. That means if you are current a rank 4, 60% of the way to rank 5, getting a DK will reduce that bar by a certain %.

Your honor that is tallied from Tuesday to Tuesday is completely irrelevant. The honor amount you accumulate decides how many rank points you are awarded (as in, how much you progress that bar in your honor tab) every Tuesday. It is the only way to increase the bar, and the only way to decrease it is by getting a DK or decay, which was removed.

In the first week of PvP, nobody had any rank. That means everybody had 0 rank points. That means a dishonorable kill is functionally useless and serves no purpose, and provides no negative other than a red number on your honor tab. It had absolutely no negative effect on your honor grind because it is not interwoven with your accumulation at all, it is simply an instant hit to your current rank.

I didn’t “rely” on reddit posts, the system has always worked this way. You just misunderstood it.

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I’m calling it as I see it. Let me remind you of your own words from earlier:

now you’re saying, “Dude, I am not being toxic… That is toxic.” This is classic gaslighting. You’re trying to rewrite the situation as if I’m overreacting when your own words clearly demonstrate condescension and toxicity.

My original post was an attempt to help players not get a reduced amount of honor based on the lack of information provided from Blizzard regarding DHK.

You’ve repeated what I’ve already acknowledged. “DHKs directly affect rank points, not weekly honor.” My point was that without clear, official Blizzard documentation of the revamped honor system, avoiding DHKs in week one was a precautionary decision. You insist DHKs were irrelevant in week one, but unless you’re citing official sources, that’s still debatable, and your condescending tone doesn’t make your claims more valid.

Ok buddy. lol.

God, I couldn’t imagine being your wife, the way you take criticism for being wrong :sweat_smile:


Yet you’re incorrect, since my honor wasn’t affected at all by my 14 dhks for the first week. Dhks only subtract from your ranking points. And it happens in real time. That’s why you saw threads during ashenvale in SoD where people were in big raids, and someone would kill a civ, then the raid would derank in real time.

This is also why they didn’t matter for the first week, because a realtime deranking from rank 1 is not possible, and simply just stays the same.

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