Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

I used to be Alliance for life, but the way I used to handle the Alliance shortcomings was by coming back and forth from Alliance to Horde… the worst part of it is the fact that I paid a realm transfer every time I did a switch…

  • Late 3.3.5 when I started all the way into Warlords of Draenor 6.2 I was Alliance.
  • Warlords of Draenor patch 6.2 I went Horde to finish Hellfire Citadel.
  • Legion pre-patch and Emerald Nightmare I went Alliance to do Mythic + with my former friends.
  • Legion patch 7.1 I went Horde again to finish Nighthold and stayed there for Trial of Valor, Tomb of Sargeras, Antorus…
  • Battle for Azeroth pre-patch and the first half of 8.0 I went Alliance to do Mythic + with my former friends again.
  • Battle for Azeroth second half of 8.0 I went Horde again to finish Uldir and stayed there for Battle of Dazar’alor, Eternal Palace, Nya’lotha.
  • Shadowlands first half of 9.0 I had to go Alliance again to get the Mythic+ FoS but this time with only a single friend…
  • Shadowlands 9.0 second half I went Horde, yes, again, to be able to finish Castle Nathria…

I lost track of how much money I spent doing this…

No I don’t feel the same way. I do find myself getting tired of looking at the same character much quicker nowadays though. We need more race/class combos and waaaaaaaay more transmog.

I’m left wing so I’m kinda forced to play alliance, as too many horde players I’ve encountered are straight up alt-righters

Most right-wing people are attracted to the color red so it kinda make sense imo.

Hmm that does make sense

Tried playing horde since they always raid goldshire, always win in bgs, always better in everything, and god I cannot do it. I guess im stuck being in the inferior faction.

Looks like we are in the same boat

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Alliance is unplayable. Even the nicest people in most servers I go have that “Alliance player attitude”. Something while not bad, is not actually enjoyable by me. Even the NPCs and the cities have that “Alliance vibe”. I guess some people just like those things, and it shows.

Never had that thing about “horde/alliance” population everyone and their dogs are talking about.

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Everyone should play Horde and fix the faction problem!

Your Undead said it best. “I cant stand the smell of Orcs”.

So no

Don’t worry it is coming anway!

Can’t stand Horde, I will always be a Human. I went Horde briefly at the end of MoP but as a faction I just prefer Alliance.

Funny, because I have tried and tried to get myself to like Alliance. I mean, it’s half the game, right?

However after trying and trying I just cant get into it. I HATE their culture with a passion. I am also not a fan of their races at all. I just can’t. Worgen and Gnomes were the only two Alliance races I could get into.

I guess I am Horde for life.

I see it as opposite. Yes, red is right-wing in US politics, but in WoW, Alliance is the Religious Right and the Horde is a vast collection of diverse minorities who the Alliance (the West) views as “primitive savages.”


Aren’t you that cringe-chart guy that is saying that US left is actually right?

I played on the Horde for a long time but always preferred the Alliance aesthetic too. I used to main a blood elf rogue and often would stealth around Stormwind.


I’m Alliance till they give Blood Elves Spatial Rift :sweat_smile: this racial is too good.

I faction changed back mid season for S1 for a “Hordecation” to rank up faster & it felt terrible. Not having spatial rift while playing a Rogue feels awful after you’ve become so accustomed to it.

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Can you just pull out your chart? i have no time to watch your stupid video.

I only play horde to troll the faction…I mean to experience that other half of the story heh heh :sunglasses:

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