I used to be Alliance for life, but the way I used to handle the Alliance shortcomings was by coming back and forth from Alliance to Horde… the worst part of it is the fact that I paid a realm transfer every time I did a switch…
Late 3.3.5 when I started all the way into Warlords of Draenor 6.2 I was Alliance.
Warlords of Draenor patch 6.2 I went Horde to finish Hellfire Citadel.
Legion pre-patch and Emerald Nightmare I went Alliance to do Mythic + with my former friends.
Legion patch 7.1 I went Horde again to finish Nighthold and stayed there for Trial of Valor, Tomb of Sargeras, Antorus…
Battle for Azeroth pre-patch and the first half of 8.0 I went Alliance to do Mythic + with my former friends again.
Battle for Azeroth second half of 8.0 I went Horde again to finish Uldir and stayed there for Battle of Dazar’alor, Eternal Palace, Nya’lotha.
Shadowlands first half of 9.0 I had to go Alliance again to get the Mythic+ FoS but this time with only a single friend…
Shadowlands 9.0 second half I went Horde, yes, again, to be able to finish Castle Nathria…
I lost track of how much money I spent doing this…
No I don’t feel the same way. I do find myself getting tired of looking at the same character much quicker nowadays though. We need more race/class combos and waaaaaaaay more transmog.
Tried playing horde since they always raid goldshire, always win in bgs, always better in everything, and god I cannot do it. I guess im stuck being in the inferior faction.
Alliance is unplayable. Even the nicest people in most servers I go have that “Alliance player attitude”. Something while not bad, is not actually enjoyable by me. Even the NPCs and the cities have that “Alliance vibe”. I guess some people just like those things, and it shows.
Never had that thing about “horde/alliance” population everyone and their dogs are talking about.
Funny, because I have tried and tried to get myself to like Alliance. I mean, it’s half the game, right?
However after trying and trying I just cant get into it. I HATE their culture with a passion. I am also not a fan of their races at all. I just can’t. Worgen and Gnomes were the only two Alliance races I could get into.
I see it as opposite. Yes, red is right-wing in US politics, but in WoW, Alliance is the Religious Right and the Horde is a vast collection of diverse minorities who the Alliance (the West) views as “primitive savages.”
I played on the Horde for a long time but always preferred the Alliance aesthetic too. I used to main a blood elf rogue and often would stealth around Stormwind.
I’m Alliance till they give Blood Elves Spatial Rift this racial is too good.
I faction changed back mid season for S1 for a “Hordecation” to rank up faster & it felt terrible. Not having spatial rift while playing a Rogue feels awful after you’ve become so accustomed to it.