Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

Yep lol :joy:

Its feels weird at first but then you realize youā€™re having fun and donā€™t care anymore lol.

I canā€™t play with my IRL friends because I refuse to give up my dapper werewolves.

Worgen are the best werewolves in video game fantasy right now and I will not be challenged on this.

And then BFA went and added Kul Tiran wicker druids andā€¦ OHā€¦ I am homeā€¦

For the alliance!

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I tried, I like your cities and general aesthetic (your pally class/race options could use some work) but itā€™s the Alliance player-base itself that sent me back to the horde, youā€™re all just such wet noodles.

ā€œhey thereā€™s Horde attacking Stormwind lets defend the city!ā€
:cricket: :cricket: :cricket:

alliance cities are fine.
boring races
tall people
fat people
short people
shorter people
shorter cyborg
dark short people
i like horde because they are ugly and wild.
they alot different is what I like.

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You play a void elf. Iā€™d hardly call you, ā€œallianceā€. Just drop the void, and come take a sip of our fel magic. We even have arcane and the sunwell back!

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always alliance theres always ways to get help when you want it if you wanna put effort in no matter how others claim its so dead. i played horde thru mop since my alli server didnt even have enough people to raid thanks ion and ghostcrawler for fixing mal i member all them promises. i honestly hated horde side played with ex there to and flat gave that up to. always alli no cross faction please my opinion.

Yup, I went Horde in Legion 'cause of ā€˜ā€˜friendā€™ā€™.
Then I realized I just canā€™t stand it and Alliance is where I am :blue_heart:

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I feel the same way, even though I do have a small number of horde characters. For some reason I prefer my alliance characters, especially this one. I really canā€™t say why, though. Horde races and cities are fine, in my opinion. I just prefer alliance. I have ever since 2004.

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I feel this deeply. I ended up switching to Horde because very close friends Iā€™ve known for years decided to start playing WoW and chose Horde, butā€¦ I just donā€™t know how much longer I can do it, even to play with friends. >_< Alliance is just so much better.

The only horde race i think its cool are the zandalari.
But i just canā€™t stand their aesthetics too. So i just started over in stormrage, which wasā€¦ really easy to do so, love the economy.

As long as i can get 1800 in arenas, 2k in dgs and do at least heroic raid im sticking to alliance. So probably for ever.
Also Horde have a lot of tryhard neckbeards dear lord, why? If you are stuck trying to time 15 you arenā€™t a pro dude. Its way more toxic than alliance.

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I donā€™t get the concept of forcing yourself to only choose one side or the other.

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Ya know itā€™s funny I likes me some thalassian elves and really thatā€™s all I play on horde, then I get a human female and she looks thicc for a second because the elves are so bony. Then I get used to it and decide I like that model better than any elf, so I guess it is alliance for me.

Because IRL I wouldnā€™t find a blood elf all that attractive (though they are probably about as attractive as they could be at that weight), I find human women have much more ā€œcorrectā€ proportions. Iā€™ve had a lot of fun with blood elves over the years, even a little with void elves, but none of them beats a regular human female in my experience. Itā€™s why Iā€™m leveling this character so I have human and blood elf mages and paladins, my human mage is stuck at 50 waiting for 9.1.5 heirlooms.

I mean just so weā€™re clear, blood elf is my favorite horde race, trolls of all sorts are close second. Humans, the females anyway, really get me with the alliance though Iā€™m not above a few dwarves or mechagnomes. I have a little bit of everything except undead and warlocks, both of which have been deleted for more space.

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I think you misunderstand the point about the OP and what everyone else is saying. Its not about choosing one or the other. Its about NOT being able to tolerate 1 out of the 2. The OP is more who else just CANT do Horde no matter how hard you try. Seems like you read the thread title and stopped there.

With that said I fixed the title to prevent this in the future

This person gets it

I like Nightborne (Especially the new ones on 9.1.5) and Vulpera.

Magā€™har Orcs are also tolerable, but they arenā€™t my favorite.

The rest I just donā€™t like. I liked Blood Elves and Pandaren, but why play one when I can use a similar model on the Alliance?

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Yeah its not the the races for me that I cant handle. Its the cities/zones and I HATE their storys. I always feel like their NPCs are yelling at you. I just dislike it. I like to be engulfed in the world. The Horde cities and zones do the opposite instead of drawing me in they are off putting to me

Im alliance till i die, dont care how popular horde is, Alliance has the only race i wish to play (worgen),ā€¦everything else doesnt appeal.

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Itā€™s funny I feel the complete opposite, I did a faction change after all these years to give me a change and man i just feel lost in all these places now.

I would rather uninstall the game all together than playing with the horde.

Thatā€™s my decision.

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