Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

I’m the only Alliance player out of the group of friends who started WoW back in 2005. Sometimes I played Horde but I hated it cause their lore, races and who are just ghetto versions of Warhammer races in a bad way. Literally the Orcs in this game remind me of a Chinese rip off Shrek.


Alliance for Life!

I have one high level Horde character that I created back in TBC/Wrath days solely so I could farm him for the Haala (?) tokens in Nagrand for the mounts.


I have a horde hunter now and I don’t have a desire to play him for a number of reasons. The number is three. First strike, he is not a gnome. Second strike, I keep going to the wrong spot in Dalaran and getting kicked out by the guards. Also, I don’t want to grind conduits again so there’s strike three!

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Speaking from my admittedly limited anecdotal experience… this is complete horse-crap.
If Horde is for older players why in god’s name do so many of them act like they’re 14?

If they actually are older on average then that’s just sad. I’ve played both factions and while I prefer the lore of the Horde side I still seem to encounter a more mature user base on the Alliance side. Which as I get older is a big selling point to playing that faction.


Every single horde character i make, i end up abandoning, deleting or transferring back to alliance, Org is just so nasty and dirty looking, it looks like it would smell pretty bad and it’s crawling with people that i have spent 15 years killing.

I just can’t get comfortable there.

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The Horde is evil.

I am the same. Alliance cities are great. In WOD even more so the Alliance garrisons were superior.
I have played both but there is no reason to in Shadowlands.
There is no different storyline, no new allied races or armor to chase and I do not pvp.
I have not touched my Horde characters since BFA.

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100% agree with this. Im not sure why this is but I encounter much more mature players on Alliance

My only guess to why this could be is the younger crowd are attracted more to the edgy and nomad style of the Horde. Meanwhile the older folks are attracted to the more traditional military style of the Alliance?


Sadly I recently decided to go Horde with the guild. I left my mains and alts on Stormrage and just leveled up new ones… it sucks and I freaking hate it. I’ve been Alliance only since I started in 2005 and have NEVER wanted to go horde. The tipping point for us was recruitment. You know it’s getting bad when you’re having to pug 4-6 people per week for Mythic progression which just ends up being a wipefest. I haven’t had a serious applicant on Alliance in a month prior to our decision to move and even before that I was lucky to get 1 or 2 per month. Most of which ended up joining then going MIA the following week, wasn’t really interested in joining or performed worse than random people in LFR.

MEANWHILE… half the guild is on horde now, we’re not raiding and are just on break til either alts gear up or 9.2… and I’ve had 3 people inquire about the guild. In under a week.

Alliance is just going to straight die at this rate. 6 months ago I was still 100% against going horde. I hate everything about them and just want to play my night elves… but the side of me that enjoys keys and raiding just knows Alliance is not where to be… not til cross faction or something at least.

The whole you miss out on 50% of roleplaying narrative is a farce.

It’s not missing out 50% it’s having 100% on Alliance.

I drink almond milk 100% of the time because I like it and it doesn’t mess up my stomach, in doing this I’m not missing out on whatever is going on over there with regular milk. I don’t care what new ways Horde have to defile nature and I darn sure wouldn’t want to spend 50% of my time being annoyed by it, why would I… when I could spend 100% of my time figuring out how to protect nature and having my own team of Alliance characters that stand for something and have an identity. I have fun with that and being separate from what the Horde is doing. I actually feel part of something that I’m dedicated to even if it’s in my own little personal roleplay and my team is all working together along those same lines. If I was to say create a zombie and try and add that to the team across faction it would kill the whole vibe and probably ruin the current fun I’m having.

For the record, my current new team after many years of different characters:
Night Elf Druid - balance/resto
Worgen Druid - feral/guardian
Night Elf Warrior - any
Draenei Mage - frost #1 with some fire/arcane dabbling
Dwarf Shaman - elemental but not solidified on spec yet.

I’m working on a Monk/Priest/Lock maybe Hunter/Rogue. Void Elf will probably go Priest.

All Alliance and I’m having a decent amount of fun with it. I got my own little team roleplay going where I’m in the Alliance but not 100% loyal to all of it, etc.

EDIT: DOH! Can’t believe I forgot my Dwarf Shaman who’s currently elemental. Added it to the list.


Nah, Alliance is the supreme racist faction

Lie to yourself all you want, you do miss a large portion of the game by only playing one side.

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Factionist maybe, I’d give you that. Racist is absurd though.

Seeing as how Blood Elf/Nightborne should be on Alliance in the first place why would I have anything against them as a race. I was awaiting them to join their Elf family to play them but, alas Horde needed more players and what Horde needs Blizzards jumps to it.

Only thing I have against Tauren is that they support the Horde. They’re like religious hypocrits in this way and so again very little about the race itself.

Orc, okay yeah. I have issues against toxic masculinity and so I do take issues with Orc as a race. I have no issue being open and honest about that. Wouldn’t go far as to use extremist “racist” though, especially in a real world context.

Goblin is probably the only race could possibly be “racist”, they’re vile creatures that have absolutely no regard for nature and would exploit and destroy all of it if it meant making a profit. Can’t stand them. The Tauren lose all credibility even tolerating them a little bit.

Undead, they are very complex and it’s a complex view on them. Do I want to see all of them exterminated like the Scarlet Crusade? No. Do I think a lot of them are “good” also no.

It comes down more to the factions not so much the races with some exception (Goblins in particular), In theory I like a lot about Tauren but I would find it endlessly difficult to play a Tauren that was aligned with Horde and not be a massive hypocrite. You could maybe come up with some “Jesus hung out with hookers and thieves” spiel but I’m not feeling it. Only Human would be close to the Pharisees in that scenario there’s plenty of “legit” Alliance races that stand up and believe in what I feel is a better overall philosophy. I’m not so big on the Humans but that’s a far cry from something like the Undead/Goblins/Orcs.


There is a certain tribe of people that see the majority of people on this planet ‘animals, farm animals’… I wonder if that is what they meant.
Like unthinking zombies? I wonder?

I prefer Alliance but played Horde because around 2014 with the model updates some people at Blizzard went out of their way to remove all the dark skin options from the races. None of my characters could look the the same as they had for years, and rolling human was “Whites Only”, so even though I didn’t want to switch, I had no choice. I still prefer Alliance, but now there seems to be a male/female divide between the factions, and all the women playing Alliance won’t be discussing min/maxing or making PvP groups.

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I’ve had a couple toons on Horde side… it takes a little time to learn where the key locations are, flight paths etc…

But, the end of day, I’m not giving Blizz 500 bucks to faction change my guild bank and toons…

Let’s just say, I don’t give a hoot nor holler about 14.99, but 500 is real money considering it’s just a game…

It’s not that learning Org was difficult… but let’s just say, running up and down that pyramid, before pathfinder, well my pally is still there.


I have seen them… there are Alliance realms too! Bulk transfers are a rumor… may be an option.

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Yep. Ever since Garrosh.


I have played both, but I just can’t “get” into Horde. I find all the alliance zones and quests to be worlds better, whether the vanilla ones or the revamped ones. I know horde is better endgame for whatever reason, but I have to basically force myself to play them because I’m not a fan of the zones, races, or story.


Played horde to get that archieve “Two sided story” from BFA, and i just cant stand it. That’s my only horde char.

Awful story, dishonorable races, doble standard taurens, sh1tty goblins, those dam fox people.

Still pains me the betrayal of the nightborne