Anyone else a high elf?

Do they light up like my cat’s when she’s plugged into the wall and recharging?


Perfectia has just taught us something about Draenei sex.

I think we’re all high elves deep down inside. <3

Except for rogues they were always a rogue.

I’ve had a lot of fun coming up with the backstory for my new main, an affliction warlock. She used to be a magistrix and has been on a path to find herself and real power since the fall of the original Sunwell by Arthas. She tried the fel crystals Kaelthas’ cronies brought to Silvermoon, with the idea of finding something stronger to fight for Silvermoon. She learned to toy with the fel and always had an interest in the void. But was hesitant to fully give in to their call.

Her hope is to fight for her homeland and unite all of the children of Quel’Thalas back into a consolidated nation. The loss of her kin on the Alliance side and Horde side during the Fourth War fully disillusioned her from faction conflict. She is ultimately neutral and views the sycophancy of the light by Blood Elf priests and paladins as addiction prone as the whispers of the void that the Void Elves play with. For her, the fel and void are merely tools.

I think some of them might have decided to go back to being Void Elves once they figured out they weren’t the only ones and so no longer special. But I mostly RP in the Cathedral district personally and we have a lot of Quel’dorei come in.

I could send you a link but I don’t wanna get perma banned and yes, Perfectia is a trainwreck and I wouldn’t have her any other way.

I was, until I ran out of Blood Thistle. Thankfully I still have plenty of alcohol, so I am now a drunk elf.

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I did math! (Kinda)

TL;DR: There’s about 5 Quel’dorei for every 8 Ren’dorei.

that literally messes the bed.