Anyone CAN

get 1600+ in arena,

doesn’t matter what spec or class you are,
doesn’t matter whether you use lfg only doing no-voice 2v2 (as I just did),
doesn’t matter if you’re only 197-207 ilvl,
doesn’t matter if people are boosting their friends/customers,
doesn’t matter if you’re a boomer, a zoomer, a coomer, a doomer, a loomer, a broomer, and/or a shroomer,

you have no excuse. This really applies to every rating milestone outside of rank 1 tbh. So sick of 90% of the forum posts being complaints about boosters gatekeeping them, gear gaps preventing them from progressing, etc. Stop making excuses and make an actual effort to get better at the game (and I suck btw, so if you want to flame me, tell me something I don’t already know).

I know I will get hate for this, and by no means am I that good at the game, but seriously, enough with the whining (yeah yeah, a complaint about complaining, meme away).

PS: If you know what my name is from, without looking it up, you’re a cool mf’ing og boomer :slight_smile:


ah well that’s why I’m a mooner. but tbh, 1400-1600 seems a lot easier right now than it used to be like a month ago. Seeing 226 ilvls is pretty cringe but it’s not too often

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Had to look up your name because of curiosity and now my zoomer eyes hurt after looking at those graphics. :stuck_out_tongue:

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yeah the graphics look like trash today, but back then they seemed decent lol. That game was a blast to play though back in its day

I mean, yeah, obviously. The thing that people have a problem with is, if you’re playing at 1600:

You’re 205 ilvl. The enemy team has a 220+ WW or ret or something. Do they need to play like a 1600 team to beat you?

Do you need to play like a 1600 team to beat them?

The answer to both is obviously no.

A lot of problems would be solved if all PvP gear scaled up in rated PvP content. Because you’re out of your mind if you don’t think a 1500 WWDK with 220 weapons won’t completely roll a 1750 jungle where both DPS are like, 207.


Maybe if they have the right teammates. I doubt even R1s could carry two total noobs to 1600 in 3s.

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Doesn’t matter, 9.1 is bringing back WoD style gearing. Then you can reignite this thread, but make it about class balance instead.

I for one, cannot wait until 9.1 now.


Agreed, WoD gearing was the best.


Sorry noob question. What was good about the WoD gearing? I skipped that expansion.

Small ilvl gap
No rating gates
Honor gear was earned fast
PvP gear was best for PVP


Oh nice, thanks.

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I doubt many people who’re called boomers are actually born between 1945 and 1964

I thought boomer was 30+ nowadays

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yeah as a rogue even a -10ilvl opponent is an insta stomp in 2s lul usually

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I guess if were recycling terminology, but does this give me license to misuse things in creative ways?

Wow watch pikaboos stream he deletes 220 geared people in a cheap shot due to a massive gear difference, toxic and literally ruining the gameplay of many people.

I wouldn’t say massive I found you’re only about 8.3% more effective per 10 item levels, not sure what he’s at but can’t be that much more than 220.

Doesn’t matter in the least if “everyone can”. The game isn’t fun when every arena is the same disgusting braindead comp. People play for fun, not to deal with overcoming terrible class balance because “they have no excuse”. Better luck next expansion, Blizz.

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Weapons scale differently for different classes, glads carrying people on ww and warriors with 233 weps against 220 or 213 how do they even stand a chance? Obviously the glads are good but it’s beyond overwhelming and toxic - a massive skill difference and a large gear difference… why is it okay for the people who play this game for a living to sell ratings by stomping people who work all day and are just trying to get better and feel like they can improve in their hobby of playing arena

I’d agree with the 233 vs 213 but +10 isn’t that bad, still sucks.