Anybody else just not able to get into classes?

Its druid for me. My druid is the LAST alt that I level up in every xpac. Just do not like it.

For me it is/was demon hunters and rogues.

Finally got into demon hunters about 6 months ago leveling one with my wife.

Now going to give rogues and another go in remix and see if I can learn to play and enjoy them.

I love DH (havoc), Druid (Resto and feral), monk (mw), shammy (Resto) and been pleasantly surprised by evoker (pres and dev)

Next go to would be warlock

Cannot get into anything else no matter how hard I try

I enjoy too many classes. I change every season.

I don’t feel like playing casters.

My Core4 as I call them are Demon Hunter, Hunter, Druid, and Warlock. Those are my favorite classes and the ones I feel most comfortable playing. I have multiples of them Horde and Alliance.

The classes I have trouble getting a feel for, and as a result enjoy playing the least, are Rogue, Evoker, and Monk. Those tend to end up deleted.

Evoker mainly. Until they change how awful that character model looks I’ll never know how it plays

Rogue and Warrior for me at the moment, it’s hard to make myself care when it feels like there’s no payoff for doing everything right. They both just feel so low impact that I can’t get invested.

Mage used to be on the list as well until I sat down and made myself figure out how fire worked to some extent. Frost had the same issue as Rogue and Warrior where it felt like I was pressing a ton of buttons and not accomplishing anything vs fire machine gunning giant fireballs and in TWW summoning phoenixes that machine gun more giant fireballs.

Evoker. Just can’t vibe with it. Maybe it’s being a dragon with no clothes on, I dunno. It just feels strange to me.

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Took me 18 years before I finally gave into the Fel.

Yeah i really want to play a monk and made one for remix and ive leveled it and all but i cant really enjoy playing it for some reason. I mainly play druid, shaman and hunter though.

I’m with you. I keep trying because I love their theme and mogs. It just always feels like I’m missing something when I play them though.

I think it’s just because they require shifting for so much of their potential, but I can’t help but see the abilities specific to my spec (boomie mainly) and think “Man that’s all I can do?”

Devastation evoker and Destruction warlock are all that hold my interest.

Funny you say this. I’m actually really enjoying monk for the first time recently. Created one in remix and it’s been an absolute blast. Granted it won’t be as fun once it gets ported to retail. But I still think I’ll enjoy it. I’ve also reviewed the upcoming talent changes for monk coming in TWW and from what I can see, it’s only going to get better.

Basically any class that doesnt have a healer spec I cant really get in to.

Every time I try and join a dungeon or see people die it makes me want to heal

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My main is a retro pally with Alts hunter and locks. I seems like it has aways depended on what the new expansion is. I had some killer questing mages around 10 years ago, things changed, I couldn’t fight as well for questing but everyone loved the changes for raid & dungeon.

Personally I cannot get into Rogue. I’ve tried 3 times and have a couple rogues around 65-70 but for whatever reason - eh, I lose interest fast.

I was actually like that for monk, but I forced myself to sit down and try to learn it and I ended up really enjoying it once I got the rotation down.

I think the only class I just can’t seem to enjoy playing no matter how hard I try is shadowpriest, holy/disc I’m fine with but shadow just doesn’t flow with me. same with shaman actually, all specs of shaman are just not fun for me but I can’t put my finger on it.

And druid as well actually, I can kinda tolerate bear tanking but it’s just not for me.

I have literally been trying to level a druid for 13 years. Closest I’ve gotten was like 90ish in BfA.
I just can’t, man.
Feral looks fun and boomkin looks like braindead fun, but I just can’t ever make it to the endgame with them.
Something feels inherently off.

I’ve never been able to really get into the class fantasy of Nature-based classes.

The idea of shapeshifting mid-combat is really interesting, but I just don’t click with Nature classes like that.