Any way to get Details working?

Curious, has anyone found a way to get Details up and running?
I’m just wanting to see the difference in damage between hero specs, and see how I’m performing in dungeons (I know, it’s beta not final, but gives good feedback on what’s working and what’s not.)

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How about we focus on testing the game client and its basic functions of wow before we start worrying about min/max pew pew #'s


I’m not focused on min/max pew pews, I’m just genuinely curious how specs are comparing with one another for testing purposes, and how I perform in dungeons versus dummies. You didn’t have to reply, you know. :+1:


There is currently no compatible version of Details. Check their Discord server for updates.

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On the off chance that you’re not being disingenuous…
You’re much better off testing out how the game functions and what you need to do to break the game. Testing numbers is absolutely pointless.

If you want to test classes, just say how they feel to play. Is it clunky, janky, or boring? That’s what matters more before the numbers are considered.


Why, on day TWO of beta, would I want to test numbers except just to compare how things are on the numbers end?
I get absolutely no benefit of testing it now, because by the time of launch things are going to change, maybe even dramatically.
I just want to see how things look numbers wise, if procs are working (not all procs have visuals yet, or are incredibly hard to see), and how the spec compares with others in group content.

I don’t know where people got the idea that chasing meta on beta is the intention, because it’s not. Meta doesn’t matter, seeing what’s working and what doesn’t to give feedback is what the beta is for.


You don’t know where people get that idea. Really? You don’t understand why people would get the idea that this gaming community would be chasing meta on beta?


I know how the community is, yes. However, if someone is trying to find something meta on the BETA of all things, then they need to just go outside and not touch stuff until release. A majority of the way the class plays will be similar, but numbers are going to be flopping around like nobody’s business.

Apologies for the anger, I just want to see how things are working, and I am being genuine in the sense I want to see if procs are working due to visuals, and comparing training dummy/dungeon damage, and if something is working as intended.


Kalamazi on youtube has working addons. There is a file you can download in his discord. Believe he talks about it briefly in a recent video.


Adding to this, we all play the game for different reasons. And therefore are going to test the game in different ways. I.e. if someone wants to play with numbers and see how it’s performing on a visual scale (using details or otherwise)

The earlier we can get feed back on class balance (if one class is blowing up in details while others are really struggling to even make a mark it needs to be addressed) the better turn out we can have. It’s all to provide data and feed back.

Not to mention seeing numbers and the information shown by details also lets us physically see if a talent is procing like it should or applying the proper damage buff/mitigation.


Yes, towlliee has the info on his stream for that and ElvUI to work.


You’re a star <3


Because it is hard to know if an ability is working as listed without seeing the numbers. Does an ability always hit for flat damage and never crit? Oops that’s a bug to report. Does it always hit for the same flat amount? Maybe it isnt working with buffs and procs. These are testable things when you can see in the numbers. Stop being a gatekeeper casual.


gray parser confirmed

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wut? Of course you get something out of it… If you want to chec on the dmg distribution of different hero talents maybe?

Go to curse search ‘Details! Damage Meter’ > click ‘Files’ tab > click ‘show Alpha files’ > download the latest alpha build and it works.


This is a reason why we need a built-in damage meter.

I understand balance isn’t the point here, but how am I supposed to tell if a trinket is doing the damage that it tells me it is doing? Is it procing at 5%? 25%? There’s a legit reason to have damage meters that isn’t about building a meta, but to test the items we get.

Reading the combat log is… inefficient.


Thank you!

100% Agree with this. I want to see what’s working, and what’s not. The combat log doesn’t give information in a useful way.

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For purposes of testing new builds with heroic talents, reworked class builds, or even just reworked talents, there is value in seeing throughput numbers. And for that, Details does work in beta. go to the curseforgedotcom site (not the client) and click the toggle to show the alpha builds, and download the latest one, then extract it into the beta folder for wow. otherwise the same path as retail. Works fine.


how about you shut the hell up?