Any way to get Details working?

I have an entire hero talent tree I am not sure is even doing anything. How do I test that without something like Details?

Frankly, I don’t understand why (of all things) Blizzard hasn’t incorporated a base UI version of Details that doesn’t rely on analyzing combat logs using a third party website/software.

Though I wouldn’t mind them also fixing their combat text either… cause it’s atrocious. The day I can no longer use MSBT is the day my WoW tenure starts to decline, lol. MSBT lets me see what ability did what, combines hits, etc. It’s just so much more valuable and easily interpreted than random non-labeled combat numbers flying all over above mob heads.

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“Files tab”?? Do you mean the drop down that says Retail Beta?

Go to versions and you will see a ton of different versions of it.

There will be ones that say R (Retail) and A (Alpha), just make sure you have the Alpha one downloaded (this is a useful tip for all addons)


You really don’t need to do all that. You can just right click the addon in curse client and select the Alpha Build from there.

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OK figured it out from everyone’s input. In curseforge right click Details go to “release type” select alpha and boom works. if you do the WTF file copy from retail to Beta you will have the settings from retail. Hope this helps people faster than it took for me to figure out.


This goes for all addons, but for beta in the curse client you will generally want to choose the alpha release, or on the website the alpha version.

Best way to check if an addon is beta compatible is the client version number. If it’s 11.0 it’ll probably be working. If it’s 10.x.x or lower, chances are it’s broken.

Meanwhile me…
Oh man, I wonder how the new aug damage is working since its like… super overhauled… I wonder how that chrono flames talent is working. Just because someone wants to see their damage doesn’t mean they aren’t testing the beta. The entire purpose of the beta is to test stuff, yes? That also includes how well a class is currently doing.

For me I’d love to just see how well aug is doing now. To anyone crying about people wanting to see their damage, I’d kindly* tell you to eat crap. :slight_smile:

how about we keep quiet when we have a dumb opinion?

Would you like to go over to his house and tell him how to play the game next or is this the extent of you telling him what to do? I’d like to know how I’m doing as well.

bro shut the f*** up. If you cannot understand what Durelia just said then please proceed to uninstall. Jesus you just love to cause problems don’t you. You probably are the guy to ask a stupid question knowing the answer just to piss people off.

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So i would like everyone to look back and all the different patches and fixes in the history of wow. How many times have you seen… “xxxx is hitting for the wrong amount” or “set power is not working properly to enhance set ability” The reason we have beta isnt to see how “klunky” something is or “it feels bad” its to find the mistakes and to fix them. Do you think its easy to just change a number in the code and everything works out. (Remember Taiven)… some peoples thing is numbers and they want to see how everything connects. Stop annoying them. thanks for the details info. ) -I wont ever look at this thread again-