Any update on Community Council interaction?

Continuing the discussion from Question to the council: Do you think your requests have been heard?.

Does anyone from Council know about the live chats, calls with council members and other mechanics mentioned on the announcement for the council tool?

I mean this part “regular live chats” , instead of focusing only on the usual media and content creators, some Q&As with regular players on the CC will be better IMO.

There’s a lot of topics that are not expansion related but QoL or new ideas on the council without any response, not even the council as a small community works as an active forum.

One big post about storytelling by Halite didn’t receive any reply yet by council members or devs. Storytelling in World of Warcraft - The Dire State of Shadowlands

there’s too many post but a lack of interaction for some topics, Is the sample size still to small to act like a forum?

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Not that we’ve heard of, but I assume that if they’re going to do it, they will announce it to everyone at the same time.

I can’t really fault anyone for not replying to it, it’s very long and controversial and it’s kind of hard to talk about it without talking about one’s personal opinions, which can be a little off-putting when you’re in a public space.

Everyone on the CC does their own thing, largely because we haven’t been given that many directions on what to do, and that’s okay in my book. Blizz made a series of posts on feedback about the future of WoW announcements and those got a lot of traction from most of the CC, even those who don’t usually post regularly. It’d be great to have some more of that!


Thanks for your response Halite as always, at least In my opinion, those new post are good but if the Devs start to interact with CC members, at least I’d like to see more dev response about some topics already created that are not expansion related because from interviews I can only see the same philosophy as always that there’s a focus on the new content, new zones and the whole world is left behind, since we got a brief Dev interaction around holidays,I’ve been waiting for those details and a new expansion announcement was a good opportunity as example, there’s other topics that could be discuss like that one.

But isn’t that exactly why you are in the CC?
To put out feedback based on your personal opinion?

Sure, but what I meant was that they might not want to share personal opinions on a controversial topic.

Yet another Community Council thread? My goodness these are popping up left and right all of a sudden :joy:

…probably doesn’t help that a large chunk of CC posters are MIA, missing, afk, inactive, etc. Maybe if they were more active on the forums, GD’ers would calm down/wouldn’t be as concerned or worried about the state of the program :man_shrugging:

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I went through the inGame character titles and a few interesting are only temporary available, especially from the Mists of Pandaria expansion. What is your stance on this? Should they become permanently available?

And secondly, do you think the final Garrison transmog sets (not the one you can randomly) should be cosmetics as well and be unlockable by every class?

Permanent versions of the temporary titles (like “Slayer of Stupid, Incompetent and Disappointing Minions”, one of my faves) would be neat to have! Blizz has been pretty stingy with titles in general so it’d be nice to have a few more of them lying around, especially if they’re already something you can get in-game.

I think just about any type of gear ought to be cosmetic, at least in the long run, aside from class sets and stuff like heritage armour. I’ve got a thread about that sort of thing on the CC. But even without lifting all transmog restrictions on armor classes, yes, I think these sets would be nice to have as cosmetics!


Some of them should stay temporary - however, the more interesting ones like “The Manipulator” or whatever is short, should be available to the players, especially when they either linked through achievements and scenarios.

And because I just saw it: Can you perhaps bring up the bag from the battle pet’s “Dutiful Squire” for both factions? They should be available as well as a back option for the players (with/without flag)!

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Id love a live chat for some real Q and A no script

We have not had any live chat/Q&A like it mentioned in the Council preview video.

I find the best chance to really talk to them like that is at Blizzcon when it is not on camera. They can’t tell you things that are not publicly released, but they can get more into why they have some of the current systems and such in place. Sometimes they can talk about future goals, if it is not sensitive.

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Something I would to have some insight on really is of course Dracthyrs’ spec locking and what the road map might even start on when the issue might be resolved.
I agree with the sentiment that the class doesn’t need a tank spec if it doesn’t fit, buy knowing that why choose to remove a part of the population from being able to main the new race.

you can say the same about DHs introduction and main healer or caster players, there’s always a part of players that will be excluded with a new class. So, I don’t think Devs see this as an issue but as an input from community that want that lore too, like warlock tank, shaman tank specs.

I’d really like to see Q&As with CC members because some of you don’t only bring the new expansion topics that are the main topic for the last interviews but also issues among collectors like lack of goals, achievements, recolors, M+ toxicity like the key downgrade system , pug against premade, world pvp events, holidays events…there’s a lot of topics that are not related to a new expansion but to the overall status of the game.

Race you literly responded to me posting about maining the race with “But DH’s can’t heal” no Blood and Night elves can…see race. Leave evoker alone in my opinion but a subset of the active players shouldn’t have to wait on the race for 10.3 or later.

Got it, your concern is more regarding the race, yeah basically they already answer this, Devs attached this race to the new lore and only included evoker as part of the lore of the race and that other classes could be included later, it feels bad but that’s the RPG elements that they want to create, checking other classes maybe will require more time that they don’t have now or that can’t be shpped with expansion release. It’s an interesting approach when other games right now go for the race/all classes or specs available approach and Blizzard decided a 1 race / 1 class.

I think there’s already some concerns on the CC regarding this too, but i don’t think they want to include other classes to this race without a proper lore, just like any new race in game can’t be DK anymore unless Devs invented some weird lore due to the lack of Lich King.

Nah one thread has 5 mentions of it, 2 people who are glad they can’t 2 people who wish they could, and one person who just finds it weird they can’t. And all of that was close to a week and a half back right after news dropped. Then it’s all talk about the abilities of the class.