Any tips for gaming on ultra wide monitor?

Just heavily upgraded my monitor today got a G9 and it just feels very weird.

when i open quests it goes to the far left corner so i got to turn my head, when i want to look at my mini map i got to look at the very far right corner.

what i am saying is i basically want to utilize the ultra wide screen but make it less straining i mean yea i could always resize it and all that but wondering what others do? any addons or w.e. to help?

I like the MoveAnything addon, it lets you put things wherever you want!


Yea i think that might be my best bet sadly without resizing. i just dont want to have everything say centered and cluttering the middle of my screen but i will maybe look up some peoples UIs for references.

i usually stick to the basic ui i don’t like to make it all fancy and what not anymore used to spend a lot of time messing around with addons 1-2 hours just setting up different toons and profiles

give yourself a bit of time to get used to it before you go cramming everything in the middle of the screen


there is a reason that in competition gaming the monitors are a particular standard size, it’s so that they don’t have to turn their heads to take in everything on screen… perhaps take it back to the store and get a smaller one.

In addition to moveanything, elvui is an option. you can move anything in the ui anywhere, just be sure to edit out the popup in the lua when it gets out of date. that crap’s annoying.


why would anybody want to play a computer game on some enormous screen. honestly I do not get the draw.

U obvs bought a ultra wide for a reason, give it some time to get use to it and welcome to the ultrawide master race


More real estate boi


Don’t game on an ultra wide monitor

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I use a regular ultrawide and it took a little bit of time to adapt, i imagine it takes a bit more with the G9 and it’s super ultrawide aspect ratio.

I’d suggest you use it as it is for a whileand try to adapt to it, if you absolutely can’t then start changing things.

I say this because unlike wow, most games you play on it will not give you an option to move/change things to keep them more centered on such a wide screen, so it’s best you get used to it in order to make playing other games more comfortable than just move things in wow and then when you go play something else it becomes super uncomfortable because you never allowed yourself to get fully used to it.


What does the fox say?

The truth. Give yourself time to get used to it. Before long, you’ll be wondering how you ever got by without it.


Yeah, it’s weird at first, like when you first use a MMO mouse with 12 side buttons, it takes a little while to adapt but once you do you just feel like you will never be able to play without it anymore xD

^This. Sort of.

It really depends on the type of games you mostly play and what you intend to do with your monitor.

Really good for open world games (witcher, tomb raider, racing games … when immersion is your goal).

Really bad for competitive gaming, strategy games, or even mmos where you may want all the information within your peripheral vision.

So YMMV… but yeah there will be tradeoffs.

ya my friend tried to warn me but i bought it kinda on an impulse online not doing any research and i didnt figure it was this wide cause i only seen pics and mentally im thinking 49" isnt that big lmfao. but i bought it for more then just gaming too.

i mean i can size it down to 27" but that is something i dont want to do. i might do it once in a while so i can watch streams while gaming or w.e. which i wanted to do since i only run 1 monitor. i learned though next time i not gonna buy ultra wide XD.

its not too bad though cause my mouse speed is already fast so dont need to move it too far just the head turning to see my quests gets annoying map not too bad.

if i wall mount it then it would be better because it would be further away so i can see it all but i use it as a tv too and watch on my bed when im sleeping so i dont want to wall mount it otherwise i cant swerve it to watch tv. would have to redo my entire setup room wise and that gonna take a long time

Any tips for gaming on ultra wide monitor?

Sit farther back?

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im as far as i can go.

Because I like it big.

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I’ve got it…

Put your desk in front of a window, your monitor outside the window… and now you have more room to sit back. You’ve effectively doubled your viewing distance with no foreseeable downsides.

uh… it’s raining hard af outside my window rn XD also we have stray cats that hang outside my window daily knocking stuff over usually its just metal pipes outside from my dads work sites or ladders