Any tips for gaming on ultra wide monitor?

To expand upon this, your golden rule is 27 inches and 144 hz. Stick to those numbers when looking at monitors, curved or otherwise, and you’ll be in a much better spot.

That’s what I use, and I think it’s probably too big.

Cut off the excess and donate to WoW charity.

Have eye extension surgery

you mean fund the ceo more mula? nty XD

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haha yes I was going to suggest this but depends if you have a desk with pull out keyboard stand. Else reaching the keyboard could be a problem :slight_smile:

Oh not that charity, I meant the Salana SL relief fund.


I love my wide-screen. I do use and addon (sexymap) that lets me blow up my mini-map and lets me move it and everything around it.

OP, move the monitor further back. :slight_smile:

Use addons to customize your UI elements so all the import things are more central area of your screen. Moveanything is great. Ultrawide is amazing for immersion because it fills your peripheral vision but you don’t want your important elements in the peripheral areas.

19 inch CRT should be good enough for anybody…hic!

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i just got a 27 inch curved 144-165 1440p its great

I swapped to ElvUi shortly before I got mine - allows for easy customization to get things in your direct field of vision you need (I’m on a 34"). Obviously with a game like WoW it isn’t really great to have a wide monitor but I actually like that I can move non-essential bars and things to the side / out of my field of vision.


i play on a 35 inch curved monitor, bro the immersion is real, this guys just went nuts.

the ultrawide put u into the game.
when i play witcher 3 and im facing the sun my eye nearly shut down like it feel the real one.

ultrawide monitor are for people who want immersion that it.

my question is how far are you from the screen, because how you wrote it you are really close from it.

Even with the basic UI, I move my pet, target and focus frames from their original positions, because up in the corner is just way out there.

I also use TellMeWhen because having to hunt for cooldowns and procs is a pain.

As long as I have TellMeWhen and Bartender the game is playable for me (My bartender layout is currently stock UI, but I like how it does keybinds, and at various times I’ve had extra button bars positioned for easy observation or access – I usually just do that with TellMeWhen these days).

thanks for all the suggestions im slowly getting used to it will probably move quest text a little and chat bar but other then that everything else i can work with.

Try sitting farther back and increase ui size if you have to.

Honestly ultra wide for wow is just way overkill, and frankly looks pretty weird with the way it stretches everything imo. But I’m not here to tell you that you made a bad or wrong choice.

I’d recommend getting elvui, because default ui will be a nightmare to navigate. Move everything important like unutframes for player and target, player power, weak auras etc, all to the center of the screen in a place you can see them. If you download shadow and light (it’s a sub platform for elvui) it will allow you to save the position you move frames too from the ui. So things like character panel, achievements can all be moved and retain the position you put them in after.