Complete hall of the novice once you reach level 15 in any class. You’ll get a decent armor set and a ring which boosts experience gain for your jobs which are under level 30. It will also teach you most of the basics, though many of the mechanics are intuitive, such as AoE markers on the ground.
I would also suggest joining an FC ( guild ) so you’ll have people you can ask for advice. If you encounter any mentors (they have a crown next to their name), try asking for an invite to the Novice Network, although you may not be able to get in since the recent surge of players has caused many of them to be completely full.
Also, if you decide that the class you’ve picked isn’t the class for you, then you can take advantage of the armory bonus to quickly level your other classes. For combat classes, this is a 100% bonus to exp to all classes which are a lower level than your highest level class. This bonus also stacks with the ring you obtain from completing the hall of the novice. I would suggest picking up Arcanist in Limsa just in case black mage doesn’t work out. It’s a mage class which summons an adorable blue fox, and it has a split upgrade which unlocks summoner and scholar, dps and healer jobs which both share the same level, allowing you to level 2 classes for the price of 1.
I love it! Been playing for about 10 days now. I had already canceled WoW sub and after playing for a couple of days completely uninstalled WoW from the computer. No looking back!
Couple of things that can help:
Find a Free Company (like a guild in WoW) and depending on the company size can get leveling bonuses. The players are EXTREMELY helpful. Don’t hesitate to ask questions
Start on a server that has the ‘road to 70’ buff. You get a massive xp buff through level 70.
There are quests everywhere. Unlike WoW where you tend to load up on quests and do them all at once, stick with the MSQ (Main Story Quest) and you’ll get plenty of xp, loot and gil (gold)
One toon can do all of the jobs (classes). Gathering classes (mining, etc.) are considered a separate job from your main. Gathering classes have an ability called sneak, which allows them to waltz right by mobs that would typically agro on you, up to three levels higher than your own toon. It really helps getting around the world if you have a gathering class that you can switch to when you’re travelling in unsafe areas if you don’t feel like taking on every mob that you pass by.
The MSQ will have you run through a lot of dungeons. The dungeons are quick. There is a completely different vibe with the player base than with WoW. There is no pressure to go faster, harder, stronger. It’s not a dps race and for the few dozen or so runs I’ve done so far the people have been nothing but nice.
Prior to running a dungeon for the 1st time check out a guide on YouTube. My personal favorite guide maker is a guy called ‘Tom Scott Does Stuff’. EXCELLENT walkthroughs. If Tom doesn’t have a guide up then also check out MTQcapture’s guides. She also does a great job.
I don’t have any tips other than to tell you to stop breaking the forum rules by making threads about another game that has absolutely nothing to do with WoW. No one cares that you’re playing FF and this certainly isn’t the place to ask for tips for it.
It has similarities, but it’s not WoW. Don’t treat it as such. It’s substantially different in many ways. Treat it as you would treat any new game and or MMO.
Oh what’s this sam with your little bag of tricks do I smell a troll? Tis be a troll indeed. Lets break it down step by step:
Any tips - no one is helpful, Stop seeking help from others be your self
For a new- Nothing is new but what is new is old and what is old is new again but if its new again then it has to be old again
FF14 player - Ah the giant sticking point, Why, and break it down and help me understand on the chalk board why your brain took a sharp left turn when it was suppose to go right: WHY would you ask for FF14 advice on a wow forum? That is how and when you know you are indeed the troll you always wanted to be.
tips you crave? Google it or go to the FF forums, They are quite nice so nice you will think you are eating a pound of cupcakes.