Closing Out Thread

Hey you, the guy that tries to link to a thread that was closed out and shouldn’t be linked again, as it’s months old: maybe you shouldn’t stalk.

The profile is private for a reason, because people like you like to attack the person instead of further discuss what they’re talking about. In order to have linked this you literally had to use the search functionality to try to find references to said toon name, which means you’re already trying to prove someone is a troll instead of legitimately engaging with them.

Originally, it was locked per my request to a CM. Too many people on the forums like to constantly derail each other’s discussions, and instigate personal attacks, hence why I close out all my old threads and delete older comments.

BTW, problem NOT solved half a year later. They’ve had countless “ongoing harassment” tickets sent in over the months since this thread ended.

So, if you see me being angry or with distrust of support staff, pardon the dust. Just don’t turn into stalker and start spamming search functionality to attack the person instead of engaging with them. I get there’s a lot of trolls on the forums, so you may find this necessary, but people will see you as a dedicated troll too, if you do this.

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Put the person on Ignore and move on! Unless they are using fowl language there is not much that can be done.

Also hardware solutions are not permitted either with multi boxing. Either to transmit keystrokes and mouse clicks or anything to streamline the experience.

So you might be violating the multiboxing thing yourself.


You have no proof of them doing such - they can say anything they want, they can say they’re the one whom killed JFK for all you know. More to the point, the CS forum isn’t for reporting other players, nor its for any means to action anyone else.


Then report them for that and move on! If they are using bots and all blizzard will see that and ban them.


Not Warden , if they are botting they will see that in the logs or if they are doing anything against the TOS. But if you keep reporting them and they are not doing anything you could put your own account at risk for harassment on your part.


Closing Out Thread

Unless they are violating the botting or “streamlining multiboxing” rules, they can do whatever they want in the auction house. If someone wants to buy out everything on the AH and relist it at higher prices they can do that.

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To jump off the above, the CS forum isn’t for AH drama. Them relisting things higher and them basically controlling the AH isn’t really a factor here as it feels like more of a grudge post more then anything. Right-click reporting is the only way to report it. What the other party say or do has no real factor in the AH thing.


Closing Out Thread

Because there is no such thing as “griefing”. It basically means “doing something someone else doesn’t like”. None of the AH activity you listed is a violation of any of Blizzard’s rules, UNLESS they are 1) botting, or 2) “streamlining multiboxing” (which Blizzard has deliberately left vague).


And them saying they’re using X, Y or Z isn’t proof of anything; as I said, I can say I killed JFK before I was even born. The right-click report is the basically the only way to report it as screenshots of them saying it isn’t proof because they can be faked.

More to the point, which has nothing to do with the AH thing and feels needlessly tacked on.


Closing Out Thread

I would leave the multiboxing stuff out of it, as unless they’re contacting you with other accounts to circumvent ignore, it isn’t relevant to anything.

Ignore is the primary means of handling this. They are allowed to talk about you to some degree in trade chat, and if someone messages you as a result of that it might need to be handled individually, putting that new person on ignore.

What they can’t do is circumvent ignore. If they are, you can open a ticket for “ongoing harassment.” It is hard to say whether what they’re doing is ongoing harassment or not. Typically, this is them making a new account to message you directly. But they can’t just get others to message you for them. I would have some examples of people who contacted you and when, where you have reason to believe they were directly asked to message you, and let GM’s investigate. And then if it keeps happening, keep opening tickets immediately after you’re messaged.


Ok, so having read through this, few things

First off, botting is purely speculative. Has no place in this discussion.

Second, AH listing is irrelevant. There is no violation there.

The juicy bit though is not the calling you out in chat part. As long as they don’t cross into the profanity lane etc I don’t see an issue.

However, you have them on ignore and he tells other people to DM you. If that is indeed true, who knows as you cannot see what he says, however if it is true that is ongoing harassment. File a ticket on that. And only that.

I have player x on realm y on ignore. He tells other players to DM me in order to circumvent said ignore. Please look into this

That is all the ticket needs. Nothing else.


Which is completely allowed. You can be logged in to multiple licenses at a time, and post auctions on multiple licenses at a time, and chat on multiple licenses at a time. The hardware switch part isn’t allowed anymore, and Blizzard can investigate that if you report them, but the change is pretty recent. It doesn’t sound like you’re their close personal friend, so for all you know they stopped using the hardware workaround when the policies were updated.

Either way, the multiboxing stuff is irrelevant to your main complaint - that this person is harassing and trash-talking you. The solution to that is to put them on ignore, and if they go around the ignore and contact you on one of their other accounts, or get other people to contact you on their behalf, you report them.

Meanwhile, profit off them buying up your items to relist at a higher price.


By-passing the Ignore feature is a big violation. Report every incident using the “Ongoing Harassment” option in the normal ticketing system.



Closing Out Thread

I can say I’m Vrak, but that doesn’t make it true.

Report them, move on along. That’s all you need to do. If they circumvent the ignore, then report them for ongoing harassment. If you respond to them, it weakens your case, because it becomes mutual conversation rather than harassment.


Closing Out Thread

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Blizzard can tell who is who. If they’re using different accounts to keep contacting you, they will get punished for it. Just make sure to continue using ignore and not responding to anyone you believe to be them. That’s about the only thing you can do to hurt your case - if you talk back and forth then it is a mutual engagement, while if you say nothing and ignore, it’s harassment.