Any raiding Balance druids?

Please don’t lie to people on the forums, your fastest Rag kill only beat the first sub by 23 seconds record time and you have two big warriors hardcore executing that boss like no tomorrow.

well im not in grobubulus and not horde so whatever

Boomkin here!

Didn’t actually intend to be balance, just kind of ended up here.

I personally find it really enjoyable to raid / dungeon / pvp. I will say, though, that you have to really commit and go the extra mile in terms of raid consumes (namely, Mana pots / dark runes). You’re not gonna top meters, but you’d be surprised how well some fights go. BTW, some of major domo’s adds are weak to arcane. With curse of shadows I crit 2.8k, so that’s fun. Generally crit 1.8k, 2 -2.1k with curse of shadows at my gear level.

Your dungeon dps is fairly solid, raid dps is gonna be low on most fights (except majordomo) and no talents for +hit is frustrating. But, you stand out and people notice you if you do a good job. You also bring a lot of utility and can flex heal pretty effectively (bring a healer set for dungeons) since balance is half a moonglow spec resto. Preventing wipes by switching to heals feels really rewarding and you bring that to both raids and dungeons. Also tanked ony for a minute or so (yay bear tier armor) phase 3 last week, so that was unique.

Anyways, it’s an “about the journey” kind of spec. If you’re willing to put in the work and elevate your teammates over your own personal numbers, you may really like it. Pvp is fun too. Check out this guy named intentionally good on YT for tips and gearing if you want to know more.

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Blizzard totally ruined Balance with the stupid-looking Moonkin form, which you need for the crit-aura to complete the spec.

Heck, it still bugs me that Blizzard was design-lazy & left us with the generic Cheetah model travel form for ages, despite making a fortune on this game.

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They utility is what I like. Especially in 5 mans.

Yes travel form is totally lackluster in looks. I’m hoping to get a spot as a moonfury spec. Moonkin is one of the dumbest and mediocre forms around. It just doesn’t seem worth locking out half your spells and not getting NS for a 3% spell crit.

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Every oomkin needs a hand of rag

The rage inducing sight of this would be quite funny.

Naxx is faceroll compared to retail bro, the heigan dance is the most mechanically intensive fight, and if anything will break guilds besides needing double the tanks for 4H, its guilds who just cant dance.

Bringing off meta specs is bad for your clear time, but if your guild isnt focused on clearing the raid asap, people will beat the enrage timers even with suboptimal raid comps.