Any Prot pals feel squishier?

Probably just me. I’m just accepting that my skills as prot Paladin must not be great. But every week I feel less motivated to log onto my main because I dunno if I’m going to be stronger or weaker or what. I feel so squishy this week. And I get the mobs are hitting harder but it didn’t feel so bad before.

I read they made change to mobs so I was excited. Walk in and am getting obliterated. Lol

Not doing a thing different than I was. Or really have ever done. But somehow it always feels different.


you mean how they nerfed a bunch of mobs?

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Being a tank is very difficult this season, our HP drops very easily, we have to pay close attention to play.

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Yeah. Maybe just need to buckle up and get over it lol. Playing a dps for a little bit this season maybe has spoiled me.

Means you are not using your buttons.



I ran a couple more 10s earlier and they went well! Actually felt simple.

Maybe it was just a bad luck streak.

Imma just sum it up as that for now tbh.

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You never miss an opportunity to talk down to someone do you.


Is what I said not true?

ngl this brief exchange got a laugh out of me lol it just ends so abruptly


Sosari is the god of prot and any complaint abouut the spec not feeling good enough is met with baaically “you suck you played bad i triple chest m+30 while blindfolded, prot is secreltt op if you are not doing m+30s easy you suck”

Just get used to it.


Because not feeling good is not the same as being good.

Prot is good.
Prot does feel good, imo.
A lot of people don’t think prot feels good.
Also a lot of people are bad at pressing buttons and even struggle to push 1 button per GCD.
A lot of people even press the wrong buttons.

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I don’t think I’m pushing the wrong buttons. lol

I don’t have the same people to play with so the experience is just not good sometimes.

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Man, while I found Prot Pal to be “my spec”, probably the most engaged I was in the game since like mid Legion, I gotta say, I am definitely in the camp of “Prot does not feel good” it’s cool being able to pull off stuff like saving the whole group from a wipe by yourself or tanking 1st and 3rd double tank busters from Ansurek by yourself making you the perfect off-tank, but the core mechanic design of Prot… feels inheritly clunky to the me, I kinda want to blame it on Holy Power existing or simply AS not generating it or whatever, but I think it might be the whole design of the spec. It feels like it was hastily slapped together based on a bunch of things working by sheer coincidence, without any specific vision rather than deliberate design.

I mean, just look at Blessed Hammer for instance. You don’t take it for damage, you don’t take it for defensives, you don’t even take it because it feels good to press, you take it because it allows you to start a trash pull with SotR up with the added bonus of the 3rd charge allowing you to generate HP slightly faster than with HotR. And don’t even get me started on the Consecration mastery. This thing will never be fun to me and it’s beyond my ken to comprehend Consecration apologists.

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i mean, sosari is sometimes right. way to many tank players dont press buttons. ive met a prot paladin who rarely pressed sotr cause he thought it was a offensive spender and tanks arnt supposed to do damage.


Ngl I thought you were doing some serious glazing before I read the rest and realized it was sarcasm lol.
I dont have an issue with them or anyone else here everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Okay I take it back I dont get why their transmog looks like they threw darts at the transmog menu and called it a day i’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they dont have many transmogs though.

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There are some genuine issues and areas where things could use improvement; however, most of the things people complain about are skill issues. I’m just not going to sugar coat it to make people feel better about themselves.

Prot Paladin is one of the easiest classes to pick up tanking at the lower skill level content, but has a very steep skill curve and ceiling to play well especially at high skill level content.

All true.

I can confirm that I don’t go looking for mogs. NGL, yours looks pretty basic.

I can guarantee that you are.


I meant to the extent that other guy was suggesting. I’m sure there are better ways to do things -literally I’m not terrible but not great- but when I posted this I guess felt like… sort of defeated. When it’s constantly being critiqued especially for things i cant even control it sort of just wore me down. lol

I have long stretches of time where nothing goes wrong and it’s fun and then some random weeks people just scream about literally everything. Makes me feel like I’m doing things badly… but I don’t know if it’s the case.

I go to dps or heal and it’s nowhere near as stressful. I watch people yell at others, blame others. It’s insanity what tanks put up with.

I feel like I have to concentrate 100% more as a tank to do it well which I usually do fine, but also get yelled at 400% more than I do on any other role. It’s so much negativity and judgement to take in.

Here are some concrete and objective things that are attributing to your experience:
Using your Ara-Kara log in comparison to mine

Defensive You Me
Ardent Defender 15 26
Shield of the Righteous Uptime 71.24% 94.89%
Strength in Adversity Uptime 71.34% 87.93%
Consecration 65.96% 74.65%
Faith in the Light 63 85
Guardian of Ancient Kings 12 5
Divine Shield 7 0

This shows us that you are not using your Ardent Defender enough and likely at the wrong moments. Our defensives should be used before the damage hits, not after. You are also letting Shield of the Righteous fall off a significant portion of the encounter and not using Avengers Shield. You are also likely letting Consecration fall off.

Damage You Me
Overall 570k 820k
Avenger’s Shield 87 casts 136 casts
Shield of the Righteous 297 casts 424 casts
Judgement 280 casts 413 casts
Blessed Hammer 371 casts 357 casts
Consecration 136 casts 209 casts

The data shows that you are likely not using a significant portion of your GCDs and you are sitting there not pressing buttons. It’s fine if you don’t like the class and the playstyle, but you aren’t in a position to say that you aren’t playing “that terribly” or that you are pressing buttons.


Do you think maybe I use too many heals on myself? Most of the time if I’m not protecting myself I’m throwing things on other players. Lol this is good data tho. Thanks for it. I have a bad tendency of watching others more than myself.

I also like to time avenger shield as much as I can for interrupting stuff. :relieved: maybe I should not hold it?

No, you used WoG 63 times in your run. I used it 85 times, granted my log is from a +13 and yours is from a +6 the healing requirements are different. Regardless, you are not using it too much.

A major factor is Shield of the Righteous falling off, Strength in Adversity (Avenger’s Shield) falling off, Faith’s Armor (Word of Glory) falling off, and Consecration falling off.

Basically, you are not maintaining your active mitigation buffs. They seem like a lot, but most of them are applied from just pressing buttons and using every GCD.

The other aspect of feels squishy is likely because you are waiting to use your defensives until your health drops when it should be the other way around where you use your defensives at 100% HP going into a pull.

Definitely don’t hold it. There’s only specific encounters where I will hold it, like the first boss in Mist. You need to use it for the Parry buff and is your biggest Damage ability.