Any plans on implementing Dual Spec?

Like the title says … As a 2 character pvp’er, raider, and a full time student, I am finding it kind of hard respeccing every week. Just thinking about the 3 day ZA resets are gonna give me headaches or I will just have to stay out of it.

Does blizzard have any plans of implementing dual-spec any time soon?


Yes, in wotlkc.


I mean before that … for TBC

Then the answer is no.

They have not made any mention of dual spec being added to tbc.


No plans for it have been entertained by Blizzard. My guess is it will be implemented in WOTLK Classic, along with things like Faction Change/Character Recustomization/Race Change, etc.

Yes, I haven’t seen any blue posts about it either. I am trying to ask Blizzard if they have any plans on implementing it.


heres a idea dont respec stay one spec ur the one making it harder on urself by changiing specs so much no one is forcing u to suck it up then in wrath u can get ur twp specs


If you already have two max characters why not just use one for PVE & the other for PVP. No real reason to need to do both on both toons

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I don’t think they have any intentions of adding it. It would seem misplaced for two reasons.

First, it’s a WotLK feature. Blizzard has tried to stay as true to #nochanges when in reason. There doesn’t seem to be a big enough reason to add dual spec.

Second, we’re about to finish TBCC. It personally doesn’t make sense to add that big of a change this late into the expansion. At this point, it can wait.

I 100% assure you that they won’t. We are cutting it close to LK anyways lol. We fought the good fight for a while.

It doesn’t belong in TBC.


Not until Wotlk brotato.


Not sorry. :wink:


Sadly, there seems to be no plan of ever adding this to classic or crusade. This ill advised decision has most likely doomed these games long term. Once wrath is here, everyone will go to northrend and never look back.

“I highly doubt Blizzard will spend the money to add dual specs to TBC when we are just months away from Wrath.”
-Months away? Are you on something? There’s no way it’ll be here before this winter.

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I highly doubt Blizzard will spend the money to add dual specs to TBC when we are just months away from Wrath.

If it wasn’t in prior to ZA, they ain’t going to do it now.

Doomed them so badly that people played both versions. Oh wait I forgot its a failure in your mind if it doesnt draw in 12 million subs like it had in 2009.


Then stop doing it.



Sounds like a personal problem.


Just do what most people do. Pick the part of the game you prefer and skip the other parts or raid log or get your toons to 70 and unsub until wrath or buy gold to respec. This is how blizzard wants you to play the game, Don’t worry the most that will happen is a 3 day suspension on the unlikely chance you get caught.

no such plans at the current time.

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Who knows, blizzard has been known to drop things unexpectedly like chronoboom.

And it’s not like they have been very communicative in classic.