Any other Solo Players out there?

I don’t think other people and the way they think should impact your enjoyment of the game. As long as you’re not asking for the game to be changed for you, then who cares? If you enjoy the way you play, go forth and have fun.


Nope. I have always seen myself of just someone riding the caboose of the train. I dont belong in the conductors car or anywhere near it

The game is what it is. I just roll with it

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I have never played end-game content except when it’s long past current.

You’re not alone. I’m fairly certain from what I’ve read in the forums there are at least a number of us out there. I have always mostly solo’d, joining instances at times or groups to do an X and with my guildmates now and again to do stuff.


its hilarious how many people dont know how a mulitplayer game is designed to be played with other people.

This. ^ exactly.

I’ve found realm to not really matter compared to guild, as long as it has enough crafters to fill in the holes your guild is missing

Totally agree.

I used to raid, got KSM before, did some arena, RBGs, now that im older i really dont feeling like doing group content anymore and looking at dps meters , or even spending more than 25 mins in a key, dont really care about loot since it gonna be vendored later , been doing alot of casual content and gold farming for tokens and its not bad, i find it less stressful


I am confident Blizzard will take and love my money every month whether I even log in or not. They do not care what we do as long as we keep paying, and that is completely normal and expected, not some grand conspiracy.

The amount of solo content in this game tells me there are a LOT of primarily solo players , and Blizzard rightly makes content for that playstyle alongside dungeons and raids.

They aren’t mutually exclusive, at all.


Mage Tower disagrees with you and Solo players are literally one of the reasons why it was added back.

I did my 7/7 I got my Mountain Dew bear and I got my spell book. No one did or could help me.


Even the AH for solo players is MMO really. Use the AH? there is a moment of MMO experience.

Player x thinks item y is worth some amount of gold.

Some other player says I am fine with the price. Or says, nah, not doing this. MMO happened.

Even in wrath, only 2 expacs in, the group vision of the game has issues. only 3 playgrounds to play in, vice retail’s many more playgrounds. And even on my current 61 leveler I skip over “elite” quests.

If I can’t solo them I don’t even pick the quest up. Half the time I am pushing 25 limit, I make space where I can lol.

I am not much of a gambling man. I don’t take even 50/50 odds 2 other people will be there when /who and my own eyes has showed me alone for an hour lol.


I just basically do the same thing except I can’t even bring myself to do the raids and dungeons even once the last few expansions.

I am almost finished all my profession knowledge trees so it will be time to finish up some achievements I didn’t get to in BFA and Shadowlands.

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im in exactly the same boat man. im 41, running around avoiding people with better gear in warmode and progging the cutting edge raid stuff and trying to do any M+ higher than a 15 just dont appeal to me anymore. I level alts, I do world quests, if I can find a chill guild that raids casually, I’ll hop in here and there until I get bored and cancel my sub for a few months. I should just quit, but man, at my age my friends don’t game like they used to and I really wish I could get that social aspect back of vanilla before the cross realm came into being and I re-sub and its just never there. my friends just want to drink beer and watch football and I think thats boring AF and sucks, but playing WoW alone is just… uhg


I’m same. I realized time is limited and I would rather spend my hard pastime efforts on some real world skill like playing an instrument or learning to draw. I don’t have anyone to play with in WoW and playing in pugs takes serious mental toll.

Problem is, WoW is not really fun to play by yourself. And I play less and less these days. My brother plays Overwatch and we socialize playing that instead.


Wait. Are you me? :eyes:

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Yes. Play how you want, it’s your money.

I’m 20 years older than you so no, you’re not old. Just different now.

Who are you talking to that says this dumb stuff?


My play history with this game is strikingly similar to yours. I was 31 in 2005 when I started playing today I’m pushing 50.

I play solo and have been mostly solo in WoW for many years now. I’ve not a single twitch of desire to go back to trying to play or be any semblance of competitive in this game (for many reasons but one of the big ones is I simply just ain’t into the game enough anymore to care to play at that level. To care to conquer the top content in a game requires you have the desire to play the top content in the game)…

And yes it’s ok to play solo. Why wouldn’t it be ? No one is in charge of how you play and it’s no one’s business either. Anyone in game tells you otherwise tell them when they pay for your subscription internet and power they can say how you play the game.


I barely even solo anymore, after a while its the same thing every xpac, only pets, mounts, toys, achieves etc… stay with you. I still do old raids, BGs, stand in SW looking bored, timewalking. Too many rude young players in a huge hurry ruined the game for me, and having any pride in my realm was washed away when server hopping and layers and shards were created and our servers were no longer our own.

I wish they had a realm where you had to be 30+ to join, and had to prove it with a video or something. Would be like vanilla EverQuest.

I am enjoying hardcore though.

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