Any other Solo Players out there?

So I am not the young man I use to be. To shed some context I was 24 when I started wow in 2005. I dont find myself doing really any group content now days except just enough to see the content. I kind of just do my own thing from World content to Mount Farming and Transmogs. Im pretty much a solo Player now days. I play 10 toons equally so obviously Im not doing much end game content at all.

I have lost the desire to be “competitive” in WoW now days. I use to raid and pvp pretty hard on the high end. Literally all I needed for Arena Master title was 2.2k in 5s. Also went after “The Alliance Slayer” title on all 10 toons in BFA.

However now days I just do enough of the end game to basically just see the content. I dont push beyond that. I was curios to see how many others out there are in the same boat Im in. There is obviously quite a few of us out there because there are many FB groups dedicated to WoW Solo players. However most of the people in them seem to be EU. I Don’t see many US players. So since Im a US player just wanted to make this thread to hear from some folks that are in the same boat. Im sure many pick on me for my playstyle to tell me to go to an RPG But it is what it is.

All this ok? or am I just an old remnant of my past competitive self that needs to move to another game? I get told constantly in game “If you are a solo player now days go play xbox or PS5”


Of course it’s ok! Your money, your gametime, your business.


Yeah, your money, your time, your business. But I really think you’re cheating yourself out of what makes wow, wow. Every mmo has th stuff you just mentioned, and quite frankly, wow is mediocre at best at providing that type of content. What makes wow unique is it’s competitive instance based content. There’s nothing like it.

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Yeah yeah. I hear this in game Daily. Yet anther reason for this thread


It is nice to not have your enjoyment of the game depend on other people or who is online I tell you hwaht.


A friend got me started playing in 2010 and after the learning curve, bad experiences, I ended up getting passed down a guild. I server transferred the guild and some came with and some didn’t. I’ll skip details and just say there was guild drama that kind of bled into real life so I sold it and went solo. It’s been about 8 years playing solo now and I just log on and do what I feel like doing.

You’re not alone, there are many of us out there.


I was solo from Vanilla until Legion. And also Shadowlands. It’s fine. It’s not weird or anything. But I have a general concern about isolation in our society. I think it can be risky to mental health because we are pack animals. It’s probably fine in a game though.


I am going to /whisper Zin every day describing in detail everything i did solo each day.


Don’t you dare!!!


Comforting to hear :slight_smile:


And this attitude right here is why the game will eventually die.




I’m right there with you. I Do Raid Finder just to see the raids… I run Heroic Dungeons to see those (Heroic is far too easy but Mythic zero has no group finder so I skip it). I Run PvP Battlegrounds and I do World content, crafting. I really like running old raids for Transmog as well…

Honestly I enjoy WoW the most when I am either alone or participating in auto queue activities…

My days of putting up with other peoples shenanigans to get gear are WAAAaaaay over.


I think I may have to do this as well. Time to level my vulpera…

Not really. Its the attitude of ‘i want to play alone and not with others’ that will kill the game

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The game needs both types of players to survive. If either group gets forced out the other group won’t have the numbers to keep it afloat. These attitudes of if you don’t play the game my way you’re doing it wrong are old, tired, and need to go away.


I play mostly solo except for the auto-queue stuff. I started around the same as you (though I’m a touch older), and was headlong into PvE once I got my legs. I enjoyed the casual PVP bg’s, but never cared much for Arena.

These days? I have a guild of my alts and that’s about it. I enjoyed the guilds back in the days, but of course, I don’t relish the drama, so I’ve stayed away from those – and hence doing stuff with premades. I do have some friends (I know that might surprise some of you that read my other posts!) that end up coming back at the beginning of each xpac, and sometimes run with them for the month or so they play. Oh, and I don’t really play much of the BG’s anymore because the time it takes to get decent gear and not get insta-gibbed just isn’t worth the hassle, IMO. I’m not sure if that’s really changed since I last played a BG, but I don’t have any great desire to find out. AV used to be my favorite and now it’s a joke.


I don’t generally ask young people for advice.


It’s an mmo. Stands for massive multi-player online. Multi-player games have ALWAYS been meant to play with other people.

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7:30am- logged onto WOW outside of Valdrakken bank.
7:33am - opened my world map. checked for a fyrakk assault, saw one in Azure span.
7:35am - closed my map.
7:36am - walked 68 steps west to the flightpoint.
7:38am - clicked on flightpoint NPC. checked flightpointmap for the closest point in Azure span.
7:39am - clicked on That one.
7:40am - flightpoint dragon took off.