Any other Solo Players out there?

Nope not at all delusional. The proof of the 3 pillar players getting DAILY WQ’s is in a thread not to long after this boring AH xpac released! Blizz was going to give us a DAILY refresh of WQ’s and you all came in and ruined the heck outta it within hours, period.

As for this being the most solo friendly xpac? Are you serious? I mean every patch is the same crud, and it is DEAD within 2 weeks!

Dont need a source, because anyone reading this knows how that crud went down!

Yep, same here.

I play to relax, not do a job like so many raiders, mythic+ PvP’ers seem to be doing.

I do the world content and have fun.


100% delusional.

SO you cant link the thread meaning you have zero proof.

game plays the same between patches, who woulda thought.

Yes you do.

“Trust me bro” isnt proof. Far as I am concerned it didnt happen untill you post proof.

Lets not make up lies now.

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Gorgeous and tranquil

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Seriously, are you this dense? YOU were in the thread opposing the change, so stop trolling!

YOU KNOW exactly what thread id was, it was a freaking blue post!

Stop trolling!


It is ok, but not optimal .

MMORPG has the “MMO” prefix for a reason

Something of a solo player myself. I don’t join up with guilds mainly because I feel I can’t give them the full attention deserved. So I stick to myself and the things I can do. The High end stuff while I do like a challenge I don’t wish to be the reason the party wiped because I am myself.

Guess what I’m trying to say is We are at least I am out there, living my solo life.


And it would be a bad idea.

Stop being so dramatic. The only people saying this are just trying to meme on the forums for bites. No realistic group of people is saying this in any worthwhile number.

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I spend the vast majority of my playtime alone, weekend raids and the occasional M+ are really my only interactions with others outside of helping people kill rares or whatever. Also, no harm in having a PS5 too, man there are some amazing games on that thing :heart_eyes:

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Don’t get dirty now! LOL!

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I’m not trolling. Wanting you to prove a claim you made is how it works.

Btw you can see who posts in the thread u see the original post and I didn’t have a single post. Try harder.

You’re delusional if you think one thread in three hours changed their design.

It absolutely did, do not deny it!

You are just looking for an argument as usual, i am done with you man!

If you hang around these forums enough you will see the Raid Finder debate many, many times… No lies required.

Haha… Ok man. I’ve seen several very large threads go into crazy fits over Raid Finder over the years. That said I really don’t care enough to dig them up. Speaking of Dramatic I think you are Captain of the club, hate to tell ya.

congrats, its this mentality that is leading to the death of the game. you have no one to blame if it comes sooner rather than later. Eventually the small amount of people holding the game up will be gone.

No whale lasts forever, my son.


i dont push beyond my confort zone (which is middle mythics and sub-cap keys. but I do it as a guild because i want to know i can log in at this day and time, get raiding down, log out. not search for groups every time.

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The game always had both types of players. Even the original box to the game said play solo or with others. It’s always been an option in MMOs.


Of course you won’t find them. Because then it would show that it’s just 1 or two people at most
Not the average raider.

It’s easier to make wild and sweeping remarks about people that disagree with you if you never have to back them up

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