Every single class got this, it is a new system and that’s just how design works. Just because we were one of the previews and got to see an early iteration before it was done means nothing.
We are talking about the class and spec trees here.
Reverting repeated, unnecessary nerfs throughout beta should not be commended. We took two steps back, any buffs are just getting us back to the same spot we were before beta with the same issues we were calling for to be addressed.
While this is true, it’s also a fairly disingenuous framing of what happened. Yes, oracle was show early and changed immediately because Blizzard was aware of just how terribly the reception could be. They prefaced the reveal with “this is early, subject to change, and we have other ideas if this doesn’t work out”. They were hedging before they even showed it off, and I think they were still surprised by how universal the negative reception was.
Oracle got minor (but important) changes for playability, but no changes to what its role is in the game’s environment, while voidweaver and archon essentially went live with their first version and priest overall received zero functional changes in both 11.0 and 11.0.5 despite nearly all the feedback from Dragonflight beta remaining relevant for all talent trees.
Priest did get special treatment this expansion. Whether that’s because priest is getting major changes in 11.1 or later is yet to be seen, but it is a very unique case currently.