Its just so strange. Its obvious to anyone that the class needs work in several areas. Especially when compared to others with much better design. There is no benefit to arguing against improvements. Yet and still we get this tripe regularly:
Literally a lie trying to be passed off as a subjective opinion;
A baseless statement without even so much as attempting to back it up with…anything at all. What an incredibly stupid person.
We were the first class to get a hero talent rework, and the first class to be communicated to. Sure, they didn’t follow up a ton, and didn’t address some of the more requested things ( those being mobility, talent bloat, and lack of healer interrupt.) Personally I’m okay with no healer interrupt, I feel gaining all that range made up for a lot of mobility issues -not all- and talent bloat was later slightly alleviated.
So, while I’ll give you that the communication is always less than desired (as it is for most classes). We hardly got special treatment. Plus we’ve received several rounds of buffs to holy, shadow DMG, and disc radiance/flash heal. Is it everything every one wants? No… Is it completely ignored and cast aside like you and many claim -also no.
That’s a fun opinion. You enjoy feeling like the sky is falling infinitely; I’ll continue practicing and improving. Let’s see who plays better by the end of the season: The one who’s crying wolf, or the one who uses all the tools in the box and realizes that most of the typical concerns are simply lack of understanding /adapting to situations. Instead of going boohoo our mobility is low, how about okay, let’s position better so I don’t need to move and put this range to work. It’s a mentality.
You Wana call me dumb for thinking the class sis viable and I Wana call you dumb for thinking it’s not. Frankly unless you’re playing late mythic or keys 12 and up the class is more than fine. I never said it was perfect. There are constraints with mobility, cc and talent bloat still. But they’re just that constraints and challenges, hardly impassible walls. I don’t want an answer to everything, having to get creative sometimes is a lot of fun.
As far as “baseless statements” go - you only have to view the forums a few times an expansion to see the constant boo-hooing. There’s been people here screaming that we’re broken since legion and yet we’ve cleared everything every time, been in and out of the meta for m+. It’s not unique to priests, but this forum certainly needs an attitude shift.
Why exactly? Because you have some silly and unwarranted personal issue with people posting negative feedback about a class in a video game? If you don’t want to be called stupid, stop being stupid.
You trolls never answer the question: what do you expect from a discussion forum? Everyone talking about how great everything is? Go stroke your ego elsewhere and quit being a disruptive prick.
I expect an honest, non-hyperbolic non-echo chamber that works together to come up with solutions instead of crying incessantly acting like you’re owed something.
And before you say it my solutions:
-learn to position better
-communicate with your team on cc. We have double fear with shadow archon, it’s very effective at large caster packs and up every pull.
-focus on ranged interrupts not easy for your melee to get
-make use of enchants/gems if mobility is that bad. You can get at least +14% move speed (I think it’s more but don’t have it in front of me) from gear alone
-talent bloat is the only thing you can’t control in some way, and the main place where I’ll agree with the doomsayers.
Get more creative with utility. Take shackle to necrotic wake. Find use for mind control from time to time. Keep your eyes open to smart uses of leap of faith. Help make routes that mind soothe for skips. Actively look at pinch windows to use vampiric embrace and help your healer. Proactively use defensives in fade and flash heal. The list goes on and on but most people don’t want to hear how they can solve most of this themselves.
Cool, cause thats what you have here. The only one bringing pointless conflict into these threads is fools like you, smearing people who are sick of this class’ poor design as “doomsayers” and “whiners.”
Youre trying to bring the skill argument yet again, which is a stawman and is entirely irrelevant. No amount of practice or adaptation is going to make oracles tuning any better, or make prayer and circle less negligible, or make feathers any less awful in frequent movement situations. These problems have literally nothing to do with skill and affect all players equally.
Shove the superiority complex back up your rear where it came from and address reality. No one gives a damn about your pitiful attempts at back seat moderation.
They are and this is valid. If the first place to look isn’t your own performance you’re doing it wrong. Half of the problem can be mitigated by understanding adaptive play. The other half you touch below.
There i can agree. But, most folks around here aren’t spending time on specifics like that and call doom straight away.
That said you can shove that attitude. It’s why people don’t want to listen. Here you have the making of some beginning, useful arguments. Suggestions to tune those I can get behind.
Now if you want to whine that the devs don’t care and the whole thing needs a massive overhaul while offering nothing of value you can shove right back off… And that is what needs to change.
If the community were to present in a reasonable fashion that hey, tuning in Oracle and holy aoe healing is low. The dev team may be more apt to pay attention. Screeching with holier than thou entitlement isn’t going to work.
If you want to talk about reality. Well reality is that most people think they’re far better than they are. I know I have plenty of room for growth. I also know that to complete the content at my play level I have all of the necessary tools to succeed.
I’m gonna be so for real here. You sound like someone that doesn’t actually really read the forums here very often, and aren’t up to date. You probably pass off most people’s complaints as whining in your real life too (but that’s just a personal guess of mine, could be wrong lol).
There has been tons and I mean tons of collegiate level feedback and suggestions for and about the state of Priests in these forums for a very long time now. At the start of the beta cycle of TWW expansion, many of us were very hopeful and positive with our critiques. Caithyra was a person of note on the forums here I specifically recall giving some of the most insightful feedback around the time of the beta.
And guess what, none of our feedback was taken into account. We have had actually zero communication. Priest gets the most random and extremely minor changes in the patch notes. We will scroll down the giant list of patch notes for classes on their 5th rework (Mage, Druid, Shaman, Paladin, etc.) and see Priest maybe gets 2 lines sometimes.
I get it. You’re probably going to say “I’m not chronically online and I don’t read every single post” and that’s okay. But don’t come into the discussion in the middle of it and spew your thoughts like you know exactly what’s been going on the whole time, because it’s clear you do not. That’s like opening a large novel to page 354 and reading to the end, and saying “wow this book sucks!”.
I glance at the forums most days, and it’s been a cesspool for at least 5 expansions. Are there some folks presenting solutions, yes. Are the vast majority of them whining and acting childish, also yes.
Does every class forums sound the same like this? Yes.
Does the community at large have a problem communicating any other than emotional outbursts?
Does this encourage the wow team to do anything or even know where the real issues are?
Not in the slightest.
Does changing anything make the wow team do anything anyway?
Possibly not, but it couldn’t hurt.
I watched all the alpha/beta feedback in BFA, SL, DF, and now TWW. Did the community provide a lot of useful feedback from several folks? Yes. Was all of that drowned out by vitrol screaming #priests deserve better and the like, also yes. Did blizzard implement some of it, yes, most of it, no.
This isn’t my first rodeo, and I’ve consigned most of my time to actively ignoring this place -as I’m sure the developers do as well- because it’s just that toxic of an environment.
Perhaps if the wow community as a whole acted like the 30-50 yr old professionals they are and not 13 yr old babies the entire game would be a better place, welcome to new players. But alas, the Internet seems to be stuck in perpetual puberty.
Just saying, sometimes responding to posts you view as whining and people being babies is more annoying than the original “complainer’s” post themselves. It creates a cycle of focusing the topic on the action of complaining or whining, rather than focus on presenting and discussing real criticisms and solutions. Your approach is antithetical to what you claim to represent, which I find kind of ironic to read. But hey, I guess who cares right. You can call out people on here all you like in some attempt to course correct them to your liking— I don’t control you. Just keep in mind, you don’t control anyone else on here either. Wish you luck.
In terms of timeline… that hashtag popped up towards the end of Beta when it was becoming clear that we were the only class that wasn’t getting a talent rework. There was even a bullet on the official patch notes that said “Many talents changed and talent points reduced” or something, which was a copy-and-paste from every other class (except Demon Hunters, who had a substantial rework in 10.3 [Holy Priest’s 10.2.6 shuffle was a couple of our nodes in the bottom 3 rows… we still have more 2 point talent nodes than every other classspec* in the game]).
I understand that the negativity can be … unenjoyable to read. I like to be positive and more fluffy in my writing. The silence in 10.0.5, the lack of the rework in 10.0.7… I’m hopeful that our rework is in 11.1.0. But, the radio silence after two patches, no “hey, Priests, we’re cooking, we haven’t forgotten about you,” … well… I’m not holding my breath. But hey, there’re other things than this game.
If not having kids is a qualifier for no-lifing WoW, and not everyone has kids, explain how I haven’t gotten to 3.5k yet. SMH.
As a complete aside, sorry Priests, I’m ditching y’all for Mistweaver because I’ve been having immensely more fun playing it in the brief time I’ve been lmao.
Actually… In the shadowlands beta, shadow priests got a massive rework of their spec because of the forums and twitter spams.
Blizzard was full ongoing with the voidform and Insanity gameplay for shadowlands but people were finished with that playstyle…
The noise got massive, forums where full of #'s also twitter and eventually Blizzard did an official post about it
So yea, giving feedback and also being loudy is actually useful.
New Talent Searing Nightmare: Instantly inflicts Shadow damage to all enemies near the target and applies Shadow Word: Pain to them. If the enemy is already affected by your Shadow Word: Pain, Searing Nightmare deals double damage. Can only be cast while channeling (Spell #48045).