Any Old School Darkspearian players still on?

oh my god Enjoi… pretty sure that was like early wrath

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I saw it! Couple months late though…

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(post deleted by author)

I’ll Bump for Pipermoore!! XOXOXOXOX


<3 teh piper


We can not forget Grassland, The mascot of the AH.


So some of you are still alive lol.

The return of Senoxis is foretold


bro thats so pog ur so pog miss u bb

“I still like turtles.” – Greekorc, 2023

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xoxo vevox and omen xo

Im rockin classic. But ill never be back to where I was before… Humble.

I made it here right before BC Launched but my irl buddy Elcapeetan, the warlock, brought me over. He made it to warlord and a few deaths in Swiftys videos before his laptop fried but we grinded out some arenas in BC.
Vyrot - undead Spriest
Akedia - Tauren Feral Druid.
The Crimson Tide with Eliaegl was insanely wild from BC through MoP
And around BC/Wotlk I fell in with Uhews/Skaarj and Spartin and Grimboslice and the rest was amazing.

Just left DS 1 or 2 expacs ago cause the cost of legendaries on multiple alts and specs was too damn high.

Im a returning player on darkspear tring to get a raiding giuld back up and rolling we have a discord

i got perma banned for calling blizz employees mundane names in trade chat

That one auctioneer in Valdrakken: “Am I dreaaaaaaming?”

See you in the Emerald Dream mateys.

Damnm been a while since I have posted and seen this name. How is the Hunter life treating you Greekorc?

We out here living the BigSpearMan life, melee hunters rise up!

The Greek Legion turned 13 a couple weeks ago, sweating about its Middle School grades.

Jesus, lets not say ages and all that sort. I was in my mid 30s when I started in 2004. That said, its always good to see a fellow hunter still around.

Did have the opportunity to LFR with you a couple years back. I was on my mage, Dysenterybob. At the time, you were doing the same as I and was trolling the LFR.

After a couple Portals on Loot chests and people falling to their death, things got ugly.

Be safe Greek.

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