Any Old School Darkspearian players still on?

Yes, thas me.


I remember watching you in World PVP against Ally especially along the Wall in MoP. Was searching for your old Wpvp videos from when you played your Orc. Hunter.

Old ‘Icon’ player reporting in

Icon still exists on two servers that I know. If you seek contact with old Icon from Vanilla, Thrall has the original Icon’ers there under the leadership of Max/Archigos.

Nessingwary Icon’ers is under the leadership Nelly



Roll Fae old ds people.

Yo, it’s Mekill

Think it’ll be worth it with all the streamers on it?

never got into WoW after WotLK, just lvld up every now and then. but ima take classic seriously again :slight_smile:

Merciless Midgets!! I was in Mercy to Midgets, the horde counterpart
 one of the troll rogues that would hide under the bridges in menethil when they would toll it, oh man good times. Healem, Pooky, Biter
 I remember Cydel, Ashkevron and CHIPMAN! Michael Chipman Jackson, darkspears resident child molester. Oh man
 nostalgic as hell.


Much sadness they did not come back

I transferred to Darkspear at the end of Vanilla and played through the start of WoTLK when I transferred to where I am now Azuremyst. Darkspear was still the best time of my WoW life!

Darkspear OG from vanilla here, this very toon - although I only play horde now.

I was in RUIN back then, Yunky was GM of Artful Death I think.

I used to play a lot with Fatherjoe.

Oh wow Fatherjoe, I was in a few guilds with him back in BC.

I miss Enjoi, a true Darkspear legend

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Yo, where Deebow @?

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He’s collecting money from Craig and Smokey

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Do I count?? Asking for a friend

Holy Crap

Y halo there, I stopped playing long ago to prevent my brain cells from committing suicide, hasn’t helped.


This guy right here is my little brother, miss ya Bandit!

Hi all! Been on DarkSpear since launch of World of Warcraft. Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving. :heart:

I played a warrior named Kordien, and a paladin named Kordian. Played on darkspear since end of wrath. If anyone I used to play with reads this, hit me up. I’d love to hear from you.