As the title says I’m looking for a late night guild (10pm-2am Central) on Sargeras. I just hit 60, got my honor gear 177-190, and I’m working on getting items upgraded/replaced. If you have a guild that does RBGS/Raids at these times I’d love to hear from you.
I just realized the site had my alt as the display character…this is my main.
Hey buddy, we raid Fridays/Saturdays 9pm-12 CST. And have a non-mandatory raid on Thursdays 8-11 CST.
We are on Sargeras as well. Let’s chat.
Discord - CasualDev#5323
Bnet - Dev#1185
Hey! Check our guild out . We are actually on your realm & are the top RBG guild on the server ! Deleted thread
We raid 12-3am Cst Tues-Thurs 10/10H message me on bnet iperrymarkz#1141 if interested