Any high xp'd disc priests in arena? thugatron?


Picked up the mastery helm and… i kinda miss the haste now ngl. Do you think we should we be speccing into Darkness 3/3 as disc for 3v3 this season?

You’d be trading survivability or a mana talent. If I was set on doing it for 3s id pull 1 point from inspiration (holy talent) and 2 points from inner sanctum (disc tree) to put 3 in Darkness.

Haste is historically a better stat in 3s and on comps like RMP where you have lots of peels and faster games so you can sack some mana or survivability. Haste is definitely a good stat.

If you’re maining 3s yeah take darkness and use a haste shadow piece. Mastery is better throughput, now that we’re full geared if you feel like you dont need it haste would be more valuable.

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I mostly play Smokebomb and Vanguards in 3v3, and i have to be honest i avoid 2v2 like the plague in cata. Ill try out that darkness build and ill swap out my medititation boots to haste boots (and use satin helm) to see how it feels.

Ill admit we dont often win or lose based on my mana, games generally feel pretty fast, but there is the occasional game where its dragged out and we lose the mana war. We’ll see how it goes!

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Yeah man if your comp finishes games or loses before you oom then that’s the play. Smokebomb cleave be scary dmg lol.

Imo Your best resource for 3v3 content as disc is Hydra, on the ironforge EU ladder his priest name is Hxii. Healing was never interesting to me till I saw his disc montages in original tbc. Still makes top tier R1 content & streams.

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yo im back to cata
thug, do you have a disc on alliance to send some games?

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Priest is just horde :pensive: Working on ret & feral for ally. Glad to see you back tho. I have a 2nd priest parked at 80 from wotlk, maybe ill xfer and lvl him too lol.

lets send some ret dk or ret enh

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sent friend request :slight_smile:

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Ya, I dropped my btag up above here add me. I might have room lol if not ill make some later

sent request, but u never added me :confused:
am ferf

also, any tips to avoid mana burn vs disc priest in 2s? my partner wants me to push in for fears, but then i get mana burned

your partner needs to cover you and you have to cover yourself with double fears

what comp do you play

mostly pairing with feral

what do you mean by covermyself with double fears? fear has long cd as disfc priest

thats the point, it needs to be timed
you have feral root or clone the other guy so you can pass cross the map and you try to get double fears when they are stacked
thats when you go for mana burns
other than that is less consistent and are strikes of opportunity so you better not expose yourself or sacrifice positioning for bad burning
when things start to get coordinated you will see drs reseting really smoothly as disc feral


Thanks man!``

np man, let us know on your progress!

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Added you both, wasnt home yet

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You play vanguards by any chance? Curious how your openers go at the start of the match. I’ve been trying to start off super aggro with spamming Dispel/MD and trying to get a double or triple fear, but if the target doesnt die right away i feel like we kinda fall behind. Should i be using globals to keep dots on targets or maybe mind spiking the kill target?

Man i would love to watch your games to learn from. Do you ever stream or upload games?

i suggest you dont play aggro til garg and wings are up or you have hoj fear setups
both dk and ret will build, but i suggest you coordinate grip fears with dk or even grip hoj so you have the time to connect for a fear without exposing yourself too much
dont spam md nor purge, is like 10% of your mana, do it during fear and hoj if you feel you are in the upper hand

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