Any high xp'd disc priests in arena? thugatron?

You got called out by Mcgroobin. You better watch your back in the 1600 bracket they call him the grim reaper of that one.

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Lmao its okay



142 - 131

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7 level 80’s and a retail character to boot.

no life loser lmao, maybe your parents will convince you to go outside and you can attempt to accomplish something off the internet

The 1600 bracket would be in shambles if it ever lost you. Thank god it never will.

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For someone that quit you sure did respond very fast and get very defensive about it.

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I’m watching a buddy play Baldurs Gate 3 and it’s boring. You’re less boring but also not very entertaining. Most people with that many max level characters in a video game are kinda pathetic losers so I don’t expect much from you.

Your buddy probably rolls higher in that game than your arena rating. Might be the first time you’ve seen numbers go that high

Imagine your entire self worth being tied to your arena rating in 20 year old video game. Do you even know how to cook a steak? Do you have a single talent besides playing a video game for 100 hours a week?

Getting Asmongold vibes, but without the millions of dollars here.

Then why are you trying to shame peoples ratings? Lol

Do you run the Inner Fire glyph? Ive been using it for survivability, but i really would love to swap it out for Mass Dispel glyph. Im only at 3500 resil, though.

I was asking why someone would specifically seek out a current 1400 rated Priest for tips. Is arena that dead that people can’t find a good player to ask tips from?

Lol I know you’re probably triggered by some other thread but dont carry it over here.

I have high exp and I answer pvp questions when I know the answer. Thats why I was asked for by name, I assume.

If you had criticism about my advice you might be taken seriously, but instead you ignored my very detailed answers and obvious experience.

Priest is one of my alts right now & I use it to cap friends new alts with. It doesn’t detract from my duelist xp I have with the class or the thorough answers I gave.

The same website that tells you this characters cr also tells you my xp. That’s how I know you’re upset from some other thread in the past that made you dislike me. Rival xp DK from wotlk came in to criticize ratings, but i can’t imagine why you’d bring attention to ratings lol.

“It is only game why you have to be mad?”

I played as Blood with an undergeared Arms Warrior in 2’s and could have easily pushed higher. I’m 100% confident I’m better at this game and probably most everything else in life than you.

I vaguely remember you posting some retarded crap where you were blatantly wrong about something recently. That thread was deleted after a blue poster came in to tell you how retarded you were.

tHugATRON, good night dude hope you enjoy the rest of Cata.

The irony of this coming from a death knight is not lost on anyone but yourself lol.

Idk how you figured out which way to roll your face on the keyboard. Pfft and they say innovation is dead

I dont recall interacting with a blue, but its possible. Shockingly im not infallible. Repeatedly 2600 priest but never Glad :frowning: I knew you came in here like this because of some other post tho, only way your attitude made sense cause advice I posted in this thread is solid & thorough.

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Thats an angry dude. Did you steal his gf or something?

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This dude comes out of nowhere guns BLAZINg, projections flying…. For what???


Eyyy just wondering if you stream? would love to watch you
can i add ur btag for future priest questions? :slight_smile:

Yeah, sure ill post it tonight I think i need to make room first

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