Any high xp'd disc priests in arena? thugatron?

on skillcapped it says to use the haste head piece (it’s shadow piece)
but the masterty piece is for disc, also it says in stat priority, that mastery is better than haste for disc priest… so it’s kinda contradictory, what u guys think?

also any tips on being trained? Like vs double melee or rogue/mage etc, having trouble staying alive. Even with barrier/pain supression, but maybe i should cast them earlier…

also i go oom pretty quick, if anyone has tips, sadly i didn’t choose night elf for racial to drink

I would suggest just looking on ironforge for what the top disc priests picked for gearing and follow that, also only thing I could say about going oom is using fiend at the right time and not allowing it to get CC’d. getting drinks off also helps but it depends on what comp you play, same is said for getting trained, team either needs to peel better or just practice until you get a better feel for when to use PS/barrier.
It’s hard to really give advice on what you need to work on without actually seeing a recording of your gameplay.

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This was 100% an oversite on their end. You should use the master healing helm. Also, sorry for not being on at all yesterday, I got called into work and pulled a 20 hour shift. I’ll be around almost all day tomorrow if you wanna get some games in.

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Yeah, just use mastery, they actually did that for a few specs. Said X stat is most important then chose to put a less important stat piece.

Um rogueXmage is difficult for priest, you are forced to pain supp the first dance and after you live DRs are reset and they can just kill you with 2nd dance.

If you can gain combat by mass dispelling them in stealth thats big so mage cant get a free opener. If you arent sapped pennance for grace stacks then shield + renew before they open.

Be on a pillar with your back to it, when able use inner focus for the interrupt immunity so you cant be silenced and fear them asap. They probably trinket. Your partner needs to interrupt mage and peel rogue. Rogue alone can solo you once your cds are gone so peeling him takes priority. Without wound poison and rogue to hold you in position you can just spam dispel yourself and keep out of mage los.

Dont overlap things like using trinket, PS, barrier youll need some of them for 2nd dance. Normally just pain supp at high hp will get you through 1st dance.

When 2nd dance is available again you should try to hold a global so when he hits dance you can throw barrier down before garrote hits you. If you can barrier at high hp and still have trinket or desperate prayer you can probably live unless they get a super clean rotation on you. Los mage. Dispel your partners cc = healing on you because he can kick mage and peel rogue.

Pain supp, barrier, any dmg reduc abilities have more value the higher hp you use them. Trick is not commiting them unless their offensive cds, like dance, are commited.

Vs double melee its all about getting peeled and los whichever has a mortal strike ability, hunter warrior rogue etc. If your partner can say kidney a warrior and you can get around a corner to avoid charge then MS falls off and you can top yourself off even with the other guy on you. Dont let garg pump into you, los, shackle with inner focus up.

Speaking of inner focus use it early and often. 45s cd and enables you to actually heal lol. Your 4set gives your pw shield a freedom, time this vs mages novas so that you can get around corners, if you shield as soon as your out of stunlock or deep use that time to get around a pillar instead of standing there healing. Shield, PoM, renew, holy nova, desperate prayer if u have to while running but get value out of that freedom from shield.

Vs double dps dont bother using mana on damage or dots. Just survive and avoid cc with swdeath. Getting drinks can be tricky, your partner has to create the opportunity most of the time. Any chance you see to drink do it even if its just a tick or two. Once trinkets are down a double fear they have to sit while you top off los, combat drops and you drink.

Someone else mentioned this but yes getting full value out of fiend is important. There are macros to summon+use his shadow step ability whatever its called + dispel so you can summon it and dispel him with the same button. Keep him out of fears / novas. Use it at a good time, warrior fear on cd etc.

Hydramist and Hozitojones have a lot of R1 disc priest content. Even just watching their globals and how they survive scenarios will help a lot on decision making.

Good luck!

Excellent advice, thanks man!! One question though, when you said dispel yourself vs rogue/mage, what is it i’m dispelling? cure disease doesn’t work vs rogue poisons i don’t th think, or are you saying to dispel mage slows?

This dispel macro doesn’t work i dont think

/cast [target=Shadowfiend] Dispel Magic

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Yeah, the mage spells keeping yourself clean of slows so you can get los. The shield freedom also does this same purpose, but you wont always have that.

Ill take a look at my macro when I get home later tonight and post it.

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awesome thanks man!!!

/cast [nopet] Shadowfiend();
/cast [harm, pet] Shadowcrawl(); [target=pettarget, pet] Shadowcrawl();
/cast [target=pet,exists]Dispel Magic();

Tested to make sure it works, should be good man. It’s an all in one summon, shadowcrawl, and dispel so you dont have to target him. GL

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I am currently using the Haste (Satin) helm, per the guide. I also thought this was weird, given that Mastery is preferred over haste for disc pvp. Sounds like i got tricked by some mistake in the guide lol?

That said, Ive actually been liking it. I think i want to stack even more haste in later seasons if I can get away with it. I primarily play 3s (Rogue/DK/Disc) and the games are pretty fast paced. Not sure how much absorb im losing from using the haste helm but i think this might be my preferred setup.

Yeah theres for sure an argument for haste gear in 3v3. Imo mastery and mp5 is more well rounded to play both brackets.

I might just buy the Mooncloth helm too and try them both out now that i know this was a typo in the guide.

Might as well, got a pile of conquest sitting there at this point lol.

it works!! tys o much man!! :slight_smile:

Btw, i’m 3.7k resil, for my yellow gems instead of resil should i go somethjing else?

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The resil stacking helps you not die, I wouldn’t change it. I run 3900 something resil lol might be overkill but if I changed my JC special gems around id break 4k. Its like 40% dmg reduction. The only other thing worth gemming for is intellect tbh. Spirit is pretty much just good for 2v2.

You being human makes sense why youre at 3700 if you have a pve trinket, i havent bothered doing any pve this time around so i have double resil trinkets.

The diff between 3.7 and 4k is like 2-3% dmg reduc something like that so its not crazy to just gem for int if you value mana more. Just depends on your comp and what bracket which is more important to you.

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Thanks man!!! For 2s i’d run Feral, Rogue, or DK
for 3s Jungle or Ret/DK

What would you recommend pure resil yellow gems, or int/resil yellow gems?

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Its pretty minimal diff if you only change those slots so either should be fine.

I run max resil unless it feels like my mana is a problem. I value surviving the highest and then after some experience with the set if I feel like i can cut some resil id change those gems to half like you mention.

Mana build would be reds full int and yellows half. Full resil is the opposite with reds being half and yellows being full resil. If you only change the yellows to halfs the difference will be tough to notice for either stat.

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Gotchya, thanks man!!!

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The thing about arena is it’s not just you in there . You have 1-2 teammates who is supposed to help at some point so you can survive… but if you’re talking strickly 2v2… I wouldn’t worry about that bracket too much its a niche cheese with comps that are just obviously better than others…

Why are people asking a washed, hardstuck 1400 player for tips?

2600xp, hardstuck duelist all of classic xpacs, not playing this as my main right now :heart: alt capping.