Any good spots left to gank low levels?

it doesn’t take a tough guy to pvp in wow lol


It don’t take skill either, but you still can’t pvp at your level. :smiley:


Have a character at like level 59 and go through chromie time is the best way. Hop on an opposite faction character and /who in leveling zones for prime targets.

I just realized that you have a pvp level of 4. You should probably stop partaking in any pvp related discussions as you are obviously completely clueless.


Classic WoW is over there


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Just because i choose not to pvp in WoW does not mean that i am clueless for “pvp” what a uninformed comment :smiley:

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yeah it does.


Wrong, again. What a shocker, PvP or Player vs Player, since you are so uninformed, is in MANY games not just wow and the subject can be extended to ANY game.

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Sorry to barge in, but there should be a PvP kart racing mode in wow. They sort of did it with that one daily in Revendreth where you race with the wheelbarrow.

LOL. This made me chuckle. +1

I needed that laugh.

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You should just kill the quest givers in Telaar (TBC).

I heard that Redridge is good for ganking pandas.

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we’re talking about wow. on a wow forum. you dont pvp in wow. so you dont know what you’re talking about.


Probably Duskwood… always lots of flagged lowbies there


PvP is pvp, be it WoW, Aion, FF, or anything else. It is the same DEAD content because of people who like to attack others who can’t fight back.

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Probably redridge, duskwood, maybe loch modan, but that zone is pretty big and spaced out.

Though, ive leveled a lot of toons in WM and never been ganked. Barely even see others. If i did get ganked id prolly just accept rez sickness and turn off WM for like 20 minutes.

it’s kind of funny because getting ganked while i was leveling back in vanilla is what got me into pvp in wow so you’re dead wrong about that.

but it doesn’t matter, you’re honor level 4. bye.


Fixed it for you.