Any decent way to make gold?

Easy way to get gold:

  1. create bloodelf character
  2. Reach ~lvl 6
  3. Farm Dragonhawks in Belf forest
  4. Sell Eggs for amazingly high amount of gold

Do step 4 till you reach 5-10k gold, should be achieved once you wont level up anymore by killing hawks.

  1. Level your character until he can learn maxlevel jewelcrafter and enchanter
  2. Buy yourself missing enchanting mats to skill enchanting to a level thats high enough for disenchanting wotlk items
  3. Buy yourself JC crafting package
  4. Scan the AH for mats for either green lvl 70 crafted rings/necks, or the lvl 75+ blue necks/rings.
  5. If materials are cheap enough, craft immense amounts of lvl 70 rings/necks, and vendor them (you need basic math to calculate the profitability), you can do this while semi afk
    9.1. If materials are cheap enough and the prices for blue shards high enough, craft the blues and dissenchant them, sell the shards. You can do half of this while semi afk

Thats one way to make enough gold for whatever you need.

Visa, MasterCard, probably amex too.

Any of those will make you more gold in 5 mins of irl work than it will in 20 hours of play.

addon should be banned

Why? It’s a great way to find out what not to waste you time (and coin) on.

On Pagle people are literally selling crafted items WELL below the price to make them.

…as in…you would make more coin selling the herbs or the ore than selling the finished product.

((And no, even specializations in Alchemy won’t make up for a 60% profit loss.))

The pet eggs? what are they going for on your realm currently?

If your hunter is your main.

Get a bear pet and go BM.

A few people said it farming dungeons is insane raw gold. If you farm one that has niche items, big money.

Get Tier 5? Two piece from SSC/TK. Increase mend pet. It is surprisingly good.

You can also sell mount runs in ZG as a hunter.

Your not a dk or paladin but the right spec of hunter can farm with the best of them.

Best of luck.


I noticed the eggs sell well but have no idea why.

Funding your “bff” while hes doing one of the best gold farming methods in the game is super cringey :skull::skull::skull::skull:

because it’s literally a program designed to make and run botting scripts. the author just added a push to verify button to skirt the rules.

which is something you could easily edit out or circumvent by other means turning it into a full blown bot script

The eggs for cooking. They are going for 2g-8g/each for the whole expansion now on my realm.
I dont know why people buy them, i guess for people that have a lot of gold spending some for fast cooking leveling is not an issue.
the Hawks drop them with amazingly high droprate.

Yeah, nobody really knows that. Whenever i level a new character that is a bloodelf, i start my journey with egg farming and basically that makes my character self sufficient till it comes to getting 5k GS asap.

Basically everything that incluedes a minor inconvienience can bring good revenue.
A guildmate of mine who did gdkp since tbc and has amassed several 100k gold once told me that he does not care if stuff is more expensive in the auction house than usual, or if it would be cheaper to get some mats and combine them, he just wants to buy stuff fast and convenient.

I´ve started selling enchants since ulduar release, and i made about 50k just with this method alone.
Just check out the enchants that are the ones that are used the most often, then checkout on which days / time of the day the materials are the cheapest, and sell the enchants when the stock is low and the prices high.

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eggs have a high value during events that require you to cook like christmas and the kid week, I think cookies for christmas and chocolate cakes for kids week.

Only runs heroic once then finds other stuff to do.

And I have more time to play than he does. Sharing money in a video game is hardly as cringe as some other things Ive seen.


roughly about 20g profit on buying red gems and making cut gems too. Mats are cheap due to botting so crafting can make a really nice profit without having to farm

Just buy tokens.


WoW Token 100%


Blizzard says now the official best gph is to buy their token. Enjoy


Yes. Apparently you just buy and sell wow tokens now…

Buy the wow token lol end thread


This lol. GG to your gold woes. Hope you got a job or a mom’s credit card nearby. Does baby want RDF too? Loooooool

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