Any decent way to make gold?

Short of it, I’m relatively new to classic wotlk and I’m as poor as a college student working at McDonald’s.

I have herb/alch but I’d prefer to not sell my herbs because I’m still leveling alchemy. I’m not 80 yet, and can’t do gdkp tuns for it.



Not really a lot if you’re not willing to sell mats. Just keep questing and you’ll make gold. Once you’re 80 you’ll get dailies and doing Icecrown or storm peaks will give you a good amount of gold if you clear them all.


I think you can do H+ and collect the tokens to buy runed orbs, which are worth something on the AH.

Fishing is also helpful as you can sell mats (the dailies give jewels which are worth a lot too).

Hm. I suppose I could sell mats but I don’t have epic flying either. I just tend to hoard for my research and stuff.

Dailies are a great option but I need to finish leveling.

I’m also funding a friend, so I’m trying to sort my crap out.

Thanks for the input!

Questing is pretty damn nice, especially once you hit 80.

If you are a hunter, you can easily solo some level 60 dungeons for decent raw gold per hour.

There is dailies u can do while u lvl. The kaluk dailies and wyrmrest dailies and the pvp quests in grizzly hills. Excellent xp and gold. If u completed zul drak you have the AD dailies there as well.

the argent dailies award like 200g a day and take 20 minutes max.

I see you are a horde, great! However if you were alliance, you could farm savory delight receipes and sell them on thier AH for 1,500g to 2,500g (FAST). Since I’ve played WoW, i have always been horde and as I end my time here, i figured id play the dark side (alliance) - I made an alliance and went to the barrens at level 9 (I know im crazy) and got my first savory delight within a few minutes.

Went back to town /2 selling savory delight - BOOM within 3 seconds i had 9 people asking for it and a bidding war went off. First one sold 2,500g (not bad for a level 9)… so I went back to barrens farmed 4 more that day and made my first 10,000g all before level 15.

I’ve flooded the market so now they only sell for 1,500 gold but its still a very easy farm

ps I am at 115,000g now and only level 70 :slight_smile:

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Argent dailies alone are 200+ gold for 30 min of effort

I hear there’s this site called Google and if you type “wotlk gold farming” into it, it’ll tell you.

I’m making about 500g an hour or so in raw gold putzing around in icecrown doing quests at 80. Obviously I’m going to run out of quests eventually, but I have a lot of zones still untouched and even in Dragonblight, basic quests are giving around 20g a completion.

Vendoring quest rewards and selling stuff you find along the way is going to contribute more gold to the total as well. It’s not spectacular but it’s easy and guaranteed.


You are splitting your gold too many ways, you need to focus. You don’t need epic flying to get to 80. Just focus on leveling, spend your first 1k leveling gold on Cold Weather Flying. This will reduce the amount of time it takes to get to 80.

There is no way you are going to be bank rolling someone else when you can’t even provide for your own needs. I don’t care how hot she is, you need to put a stop to that. The amount of money you can earn with questing will go up dramatically with epic flying and being 80, but spending your gold to simp for someone will just delay those goals.

Get yourself established, then you can simp for whoever you want.


My level 61 alt Paladin is @ something like 2.5-3k from just putting low level cloth and ores on the AH

Pretty solid market for pre 80s I guess

Yeah you can do pretty good with mining while levelling. I’m working on a shaman with mining and engineering, and I’ll use ore I get on engineering, but once I get eng up to the next ore I’ll sell the extra previous ore I had, and even doing it this way it’s decent gold. So many people go engineering or jewelcrafting, so mining mats sell pretty well.

Farming minipets was solid for me. Mainly the 4 whelplings, macaw and oozeling.

The hyacinth macaw sold for 26k.

Two birds with one stone if you grind them on an alt while levelling

It’s a shame you’re a Belf… I buy epic flying for all my ladies… Gnome sugar daddies are a rare thing but here I am…


Huge money maker.

I farm a few hours a week, spin my herbs into pots. Stack of pots sells for about 120g each. Become a pot master to get extra pot procs. I sold about 25 stacks last night in 5 minutes.

You’ll make more of you farm the mats obviously BUT you can make gold by just watching mats. Often times the cost of herbs is less than the pots so you can buy the herbs, make the pots and resell for profit. It’s even more when you consider you’re proccing extra pots by making them

Make sure you do every single quest in Icecrown as lvl80. You also can complete quests in Storm Pikes as 80. Easy 5-6K gold and lots of emblems for your heirlooms. Best way to gear is to do Wintergrasp + 5 weekly WG quests and buy Hatred set + Deadly/Furious off pieces. You can join Ulduar 10 groups in those. Naxx10/25 for sure.

Not simping for someone else, paying for my BFF to raid log. When I get cash that is. Dudes so broke he’s trash farming Botanica for gold.

I have cold weather flying. It’s why I’m currently broke.

Gonna start with the dailies and see what I can do from there. I actually kinda forgot about those.

I can’t sell pots (yet) as I don’t have any potion recipes yet. Doing my research for those.

Icecrown at 80 is a good call. Old dungeons is a good call. I’ll see what I can come up with. Thanks! Can’t do anything til Saturday, but I can haul butt after that.

PS: googling gold guides got me nothing but sites selling gold.