Finish questing to 80, that will net you a few thousand.
At 80 dailies are 600+ gold a day for an hourish of time.
Finish questing to 80, that will net you a few thousand.
At 80 dailies are 600+ gold a day for an hourish of time.
Legit, do some quests at level cap, you will make gold quickly
Depends on how much gold you want. If its a like 1-2k a week , just do dailies and you should be fine. If its more, do professions +ah and dailies.
If its even more join a GDKP.
If its even more more, then start a raiding guild.
You’re basically asking for a way to make gold but you’ve already stated that you’re prioritizing leveling to hit 80 and aren’t 80 yet.
What I did was when I hit 70, I did quests in TBC zones, like Netherstorm, Blade’s Edge Mountains and Shadowmoon Valley. That was about 2k gold each zone with the quest turn-ins at 70 being about 20g/each.
As you’re leveling, if this is your first character, you’ll most definitely want to unlock Hodir rep for the shoulder enchants so make sure to do that. Icecrown Quests give a fair bit of gold as well, and give even more at max-level.
Get max level and have fun!
Mob grinds!
You could figure out what’s selling when it comes to mob drops. Some cooking materials do fairly well. Also, crappy greens can fetch some cash if you’re able to sell them to an enchanter. Strike up a deal and offer to sell those for a little more than vendor price.
Yeah Hodir rep is on my list. I liked those dailies back in the day.
The dailies also give xp, yes? I planned to go to storm peaks at 78.
I am only rushing to level because my guild wants me for raiding and I need to gear, but I wager there’s stuff I can do while leveling for gold.
Oh yeah, if you’re not doing this then I highly recommend: Have an AH alt parked at a mailbox that’s close to the AH in any major city. Send them all the stuff you’re not going to use or keep, and list it on the Auction House.
Also, get an Auction House addon and get in the habit of hopping on your AH toon whenever you login, do an AH scan to get the most up-to-date prices that things are being listed for, relist whatever you have to list, and then go about your day. Do the same thing before logging off.
Just finish all your quests in ICC and Storm Peaks, that’s a chunk of gold(and will unlock the Hodir dailies as well as a few others)
Have auction addon just because it made it more convenient to lust. I try to sell greens before vendoring them.
Thanks again for the ideas!
Get a list of consumables that have stable velocity and then go farm the mats or buy up all current mats and relist.
I made 500g in about an hour just testing out AE leveling on my 70 lock. After making that gold I wouldn’t go farm more, I’d keep buying all the mats and relist.
Finished leveling achemy first.
Do your daily research.
Pick either Flask or Potion mastery. And then craft those.
Grab fishing.
Haste/armor/wild magic pots will always be in good demand.
Flasks prices are up too.
Finish leveling. Get your fast flying.
At 80, if you have time, do daily quests. ToC is a very good spot, as eventually you get to do daily quests that give 22g/pop +junk to sell.
As for GDK{Ps, if you’re not planning on running them, there is no need to have this much gold. I always sit on 15-25k gold. No need for more. Find a guild. Raid with them.
I don’t imagine I’d have the gear for them as a fresh 80.
Besides, I’d use my lockout with my guild.
You guys are fantastic giving ideas. Gonna start working on it this weekend.
a good way would be to farm as much gear as you can in the next month or so and then join h++ on day 1, not only will you gear your char by doing this but at the end of every dungeon you’ll get 1 sidereal essence, 3 sidereal essence = 1 crusader orb, if prices are anything like they were in ulduar, 1 crusader orb will be worth several thousand gold, you should be able to make like 1k+ per dungeon in that first day
Go farm honor too.
As soon as you ding 80, buy full Hateful set at 200ilvl for honor +x2 1H weapons.
UP H+ drops 200ilvl bow
AN H+ drops 213ilvl gun
And generally get your bum into H+ as much as you can. If u see a healer and a tank, snag them instantly. Focus on forming ur own groups. Farm badges too. Join VoA class runs, OS & naxx MS>OS runs. In 1 week you can reach 4k gs.
Buy cheap gems on AH. Not pure 16 agi. But like 8agi 8 crit. Those go for 5-9gold a piece.
Is a hunter wat you’re actually leveling ? You can do some dungeon farms n uk and tbc Dungeons could be a decent farm.
Aside from that my best advice is to get to 80 as fast as can You should be able to solve some dungeons because you are a hunter.
Anyway that would be my best advice.
I have 10 alliance chars and 6 horde chars on old blanchy and only 1 lv 80. Talk to me about funding.
Just do all the quests in northrend. They practically drown you in gold.
late to party and leveled a horde druid to 80
was skinning and herbalism
ok for a solo dude
have another lowbie toon and mining does much better
but fishing and cooking are solid
especially for those fish in dragonflight by the inodule daily quest
but the gold really started to roll in (as a casual) getting to max level before icecrown and storm peaks
doing those quest lines (and using previous gold to buy some boe’s to beef up and steamroll world content) really gets some gold rolling in
Yeah I rolled two alts. Bank alt for auction stuff and a paladin that’s going to do mining and skinning.
Head to Goldshire about midnight server time… Ask for Marge…