Hey Moon Guard!
So the reasoning behind this may be weird but I’m looking for Death Knight centric guilds (Alliance) that are ok into taking in a non-DK such as myself.
I’m a human Paladin and the idea behind my RP character is that he’s been assigned to help out/keep watch of the Ebon Blade so I figured it be fun for me to join a group full of them to get to know them better.
Otherwise I’m also new to rp’ing in general and I’m all for just being casual and running dungeons. Thanks in advance!
I like this Idea! It fits into the Lore wonderfully. Everything the Ebon Blade did during Legion lead to tense uncertainties for sure. But know with them leading the charge into the Shadowlands, I feel factions and groups would want to keep a close eye on them!
Bravo to the idea sir!
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Thank you! Im glad I’m not the only one who find the idea fun to do. Death Knights and Paladins are my favored classes in the game solely for their lore. While as much as I enjoy DK, I dont think I can properly role play as one but making friends with one as a Paladin could lead to interesting situations; very much a yin yang sorta of deal.
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If you were Horde (or considering), Rudga, I would have strongly recommended The Argent Advance. If you are Horde curious, have a look at their recruiting post.
Not necessarily DK centric but good possibilities for those interesting situations given that their “tertiary mission is to be an experimental joint unit of the Argent Crusade and the Ebon Blade”. Should you be content to remain Alliance based then I wish you great success in finding a good fit for your character/s.
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Interesting, thanks for the recommendation!
Depends do you want to be a good DK or a Rogue DK?
Good guilds no idea
Rogue = Residumm of Icecrown is pretty good. Oocly a great bunch of people 
Idea is to join a DK group/guild while as a paladin, for the purpose of my character’s lore where he fights alongside the Ebon Blade.
So I suppose prefferebly good DKs heh
Or at least DKs relatively in the interest of protecting Azeroth
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I speak highly to the reputation of The Argent Advance! And this as an Alliance (pally) Argent Recruit! During the SL Scourge Invasion, I desperately looked for an Argent style group that was hosting RP events to coincide with it. Eventually I was directed to Mirchea of The Argent Advance. Awesome person! We met, discussed (IC &OOC) how we could have a cross faction interaction. In the end, with his events being highly combat oriented and my character being a mere recruit, we settled on Yveti aiding in the Horde relief efforts needed during the invasion. And now, because of that experience, I have expanded my character’s story and she is currently employed by the Leader of the Horde guild, Blackheart Battalion!
To simplify…don’t give up! 
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