Each dps spec has its own ladder, play only mirror matches. An example lobby:
Four players: 2 frost mages at the same mmr and 2 sub rogues at the same mmr
First round: Mage A and Rogue A vs Mage B and Rogue B
Second round shuffles it: Mage A and Rogue B vs Mage B and Rogue A
No need for healers, skill-based, exactly balanced, arena team play.
Only kink is you have to do something about perma stealth- fast spawn eye, don’t pair rogues and druids, finally nerf meld into the ground, everybody wins
Fills the gap created by healer dearth in rss. On my frost mage I queue up for both rss and mirror 2s and get many more games in. On my mistweaver I still get to play instant queue rss. When I have my partner on, we play ladder.
Promise ppl will queue up like crazy to prove how good they are at their spec. So many dope comps to play here: lock/ww vs lock/ww, war/sp vs war/sp, ret/dh vs ret/dh, etc
If you read that- thank you, ggs, and have a nice day.
That requires a lot of specific classes que’n at the same time. I’m not sure it would pan out. Certain classes would probably get decent ques, but other classes will get either no ques, or the same people every time.
I’m not sure blizzard should be adding more modes instead of trying to fix the ones they already have out though. However, as a non-rated mode… sure? why not?
Agree. Wow is already so fotm anyway, tho. There are many 1800 warriors waiting queues at the same time. Get ‘em in the game imo. This will def help them improve their ladder play.
Also agree. Idk if I can reconcile this in anyway other than to say: I don’t think that should prevent good game modes from existing.
In theory, I like this thought process. In practice, at least from my experience, most people “not just warriors” in the 1800ish and below bracket are just pressing all their buttons instantly and letting the chips fall where they may. That’s why you see so many 1800 players “starting rating” in full gear and 300+ games played.
These type of people have the whole Dunning-Kruger thing going on so I see this mode going something like…
War/sp lose mirror… war flames sp
War/sp swap teammates, war still loses and flames the other sp for throwing with him.
Like I said, I’m not sure there would be that many que’n, even if a lot of people are in that bracket. You also have the issue of under represented classes essentially getting free rating… like how prot pally was when SS started in DF.
Prot pally had to que against another prot pally, and the difference in skill was ussually very apparent. Which leads to essentially free rating for certain classes/specs.
This is fair, but on the other hand, should time really go towards a new mode if they don’t even seem to have the time to fix the current modes? I gotta go with no.
Flaming is a hazard in all of pvp. I agree that 2s is a narrower space than rss. But think of the flaming in rss? I don’t think we would have anything unheralded to wow going on here.
Worse comes to worst you could just make it anonymous- placeholder names in the unit frames.
If all specs have their own ladder? Confused as to how this condition would arise. Top players of each spec would rise to the top percentages in all cases.
This is context of rss being in its 2nd xpac and widely panned. Imo a major improvement from that.
The following note is just a thought experiment of sorts, I don’t actually play dk-
“I’ll get my my dk up, we grab 2 ele shams. The better dk will either 1-1 or 2-0. Do it again enough times with other specs, we know for sure who the better dk is.” Then look at the unholy dk ladder and we are having some fun;) with petkick at the top
The flaming in RSS is exactly what comes to mind. it’s a cesspool of Dunning-Kruger types unwilling to take any fault and lashing out at everyone else. Do we need another mode for that?
Yes. All specs having their own ladder leads to free rating/rank to under represented classes. Titles would go with either % of players, which could lead to like 2 people getting titles, or go by a certain number of players which would lead to anyone willing to que a certain spec a title.
If you look at Gdruid right now for shuffle, you’ll see to be a top 10 player all you need is 1650. For VDH, it’s 1550 te be top 10.
Like I mentioned about prot pally in DF SS. The skill disparity between underrepresented classes often can be quite large. If you have only have a few players quen a certain spec, and if 1 is much better than the other few… this person never really goes up in Competiton and either ques free wins/rating, or he gets to sit hr+ ques to find someone playing his spec at his MMR.
This is the same logic SS uses and as we all have seen, it’s not exactly pleasing people.
So why bring another mode with the same problems into the game?
VDH current R1 cutoff is 1614. 7 of which who are currently slated to get that title have losing records in SS. Imagine if they’re only playing against each other?
GDruid cutoff is 1743 and their ladder doesn’t look much different.
Challenger level of skill shouldn’t have a R1 title. This is the kind of stuff having personal ladders does.
but in a mode where they only que against each other, like the OP is asking about, it would be pretty easy to rack them wins up agaisnt each other and the 3 other people who play their spec.
I think having arena play in an mmorpg like wow is going to upset people, no getting around it. It has also motivated a lot of ppl to have tons of fun spending chunks of time in the game.
‘It’ll make ppl mad’ has not stopped wow arena and I don’t think it ever should.
Yes that’s what I’m getting at. This is and has always been a thing in wow. If your sv hunter is top 5% and XXXX rated, but bm is top 10% and XXXX+200 rated, you are likely a better sv hunter than bm hunter.
The ppl will be pushing hard for their front page of any given dps spec. Idk what to do about tanks in arena, ask holinka?
I shouldn’t have to ask anyone but you about the mode you’re proposing. If you have no answer to the problems with it, then I would say your mode isn’t complete.
I meant that as a joke. But ya I’m more focused on the win condition here: 26 specs having an awesome game mode that would likely outcompete rss for player interest and be a better metric of individual skill (solo queue meta)