Any chance we can get mailing between our SF characters? (profession limits are terrible)

i have a SF warlock and was looking at the epic mount quest and boy, you need skinning, disenchanting, herbalism, alchemy and mining. best solution would be to let SF players earn all professions but im sure people wont like that so how about you let mailing between SF characters in your account like other games do? (PoE SSF for instance)

You can grind gold and buy an epic mount. You will be ok.

Enjoy your SF mode, goofy.

You knew what you signed up for.

"You can grind gold and buy an epic mount. You will be ok.

Enjoy your SF mode, goofy."

ya i know i will be ok thank you for worrying bro its just a video game?? whats with these forum posters?? i heard bad things about and it seems they were right. bunch of over defensive passive aggressive salty people
“You knew what you signed up for.”
yes that means i can never ever dare ask for any change right?
jeez. thanks for the “discussions” guys xD

If you wanted to do it another way, you could just simply play by your own rules like the rest of us have done for years. Why should you and your entitlement ruin the game for those of us that actually like it?
Thanks for nothing, mate.

again with personal attacks and weird statements bro its pathetic
can you tell me exactly how SF alts mailing me ore/leather would “ruin the game” for you?

Exactly because SF alts would be able to send mail to one another, and that is sipmly not SF and you’d be better off using the addon or your own limitations for this.
If your rules would be general, nobody could ever be sure a SF player was really SF, or just had rich alts to boost them along - and this was one of the things SF was made to avoid.
I don’t know how to put this in a way that does not sound haughty or snobbish, but you’re undermining anything SF stands for in that suggestion.


yea that makes some sense sure. i was of the idea most people would be ok with just alts though (that obviously are SF as well) that was the idea ive gotten from talking with SF people in the SF guilds ive been. obviously i get theres different opinions on this that was why i was asking. i wouldnt go that far to say it goes against “everything” its still self found by you and other games like PoE already do this but alright thanks for your reply =)

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When I get multiple dungeons per day, you get SF QOL

If you don’t want crafting limitations you shouldn’t play SF. At no time should they make crafting even easier than it is and they certainly shouldn’t let you have more then two professions turning SF into easy mode. It’s extremely easy to level up almost all of those professions, it might at most take you a week. Put some actual effort in, having mount will be far more meaningful, especially for this who play SF and will see you put in the work.

Think of it this way also, you can likely learn those professions probably in about the same time it would take you to earn 1000g.

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You aren’t going to get to 60 so moot issue.

“At no time should they make crafting even easier than it is”
i never said that?? why do people make stuff up to argue with? xD
the “work” youre so worried about will be put in because the professions will still need to be leveled up?? i didnt ask for a “click to learn level 300 profession”

So being able to level professions without having to work with other crafters like they do now makes it easier, and if anything they to should have made crafting even more intertwined where almost all good recipes would rely on other crafts.

im not sure how much easier it would be but anyways thats why i said alts. leveling alts to high level and their entire professions just to get some thorium bars doesnt seem even comparable to just buying em on AH

Thats no longer self found, and its no different then buying it on the AH.

its self found because its found by me?? and sure buying off AH is exactly the same as leveling an alt to 50 just to mine some bars sure bro =)
only other game i know with official SSF is PoE and stash is obviously shared with other SSF alts

Self found is not, you can have an army of alts so you can twink. out your characters, and have everything you need, its going with only what you that character finds, it means making difficult decisions, and taking professions where you will be highly limited because your making the choice to not play or work with others.

ya sure that makes sense. its just my completionist side of me hates this of dropping and re acquiring professions to do different quests but yea thats my problem :stuck_out_tongue:

No but they should add another mode called “Account Found” to accommodate this playstyle.

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WE say this! Not you. Why make SF easy mode?

Self Found means EACH CHARACTER for itself, not the account.

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