well as i said id rather have it be “account found” rather than character found, like it is in PoE. everyone in game ive talked would prefer that as well but if you guys dont then as the other poster said blizz could just have another option
As long as it is an OPTION, and not forced on everybody like the account bound Achievements - then go for it.
The problem with account bound is it the breaks the one good thing that SF does which is limit the availability of the Petri flask, since anyone could have an alt with it, where with current professional limitations, there is a big trade off if you want Alch vs say Engi and a further challenge to get the receipt on that specific character.
isnt the recipe really hard to find? seems like a very niche problem. but yea i dont like em either wouldnt care if theyre gone
I don’t know if it’s that rare or not, I know I have found it before, and plenty of other people out there seem to have it. Honestly it’s the only reason I am even bothering with SF.
Are you planning on continuing as SF after 60?
If not, you can remove the buff and make your life easier.
If so, you’ll need to make plans and grind it all out, it’s what you signed up for.
Yep, and it maintains the RP aspect of the game.
i didnt sign anything no, and yea obviously id keep the SF. again, other games are already like this not sure why people act like its crazy over here. but yea both account found and self found could be a thing but whatever
Because WoW is not “other games” It’s WoW.
yea youre one of those players huh =)
Waddayou mean? If you mean I am one of those, that played WoW since Vanilla and do not play anything else (except for the occasional Candy crush or Wordle) then yes, I proudly admit to being one of those players.
yes thats exactly what i meant. the wow only gamers that treat wow as if its above other games. but anyways bored of this thread muting it goodbye
If you’re playing SF you agreed to the disclaimer. It’s not a contract, it merely tells you what restrictions you are going to be playing with, and you won’t be able to log in until you accept. So yeah, you did sign an agreement so to speak.
Enjoy the grind friend.
OP is asking for a paradox rofl…
does ssf end at lvl 60? you won’t be doing epic mount before 60. Reading this post I now understand why people are constantly dying in HC when the game is so EZ. the average wow dad in HC is an idiot.
SF only ends when you turn the buff off.
SF lock is about the hardest thing you can do. You got the dreadsteed quest to do at level 60, you got to go out and earn your right to summon all of your demons, and you are a clothy so you take much more damage than the other armour classes. Imp kinda sucks and will die super easily. Then to keep your other demons up you will need to always keep your soulstones up. You got all your demon quest to do and so many other ones.
It is not overly fun leveling a lock SF in HC. You will never get enough gold through quests and dungeons to get all your spells learned and then you have to learn spells for your demons as well.
I really cant think of any class worse to go HC SF on. Nothing comes close.
You can turn the buff off at any level, anytime. But it can never be turned back on again and you have to select to have it on at the selection screen. It is impossible to become a self found after your toon is created, even if it is a level one that has never logged in yet.
Only mail you can get on a SF toon is from Blizzard. Nothing else, not from any of your alts.
Try doing OG IronMan instead.