Any chance of a surprise prepatch today?

Has Blizz ever dropped major content as a surprise? Or am I just wishful thinking?

0 chance.


not even .oooooooo1% chance?

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Blizz ALWAYS gives advanced notice of a Prepatch update, so if they said nothing, then it’s not happening… Yet.

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Hey, it’s 2020. Never say never!

I would say less than that.

Then go buy a lottery ticket! :wink:


Not gonna be a pre patch before at least 2 more weeks minimum

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Wish they could at least drop the class changes, been itching to play shadow priest but voidform sucks so bad, playing it on the ptr brings joy to my heart.

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My hope is that they release the character costumizations early.

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They have to announce end of PvP seasons. They don’t spring major game changes on people.



I would love it if they did pre-patch today but it isn’t happening. There hasn’t been an announcement for release date for the patch or the end of the PvP season.

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Why would you assume I don’t!?? :wink:

Earliest is Sep 29th but I doubt even then, with rep buff active I betting on Oct 6th.


They might if it is only the 1st phase. 2nd phase can be the actual event and end of PVP season in two weeks.


There’s always an announcement before hand.

Also do we seriously need yet another thread on this, there’s dozens of them created today alone. The answers you seek are in those threads…

Unfortunately no, even if it was meant as a “fun surprise” people would be furious.

Pvpers would be mad with the season ending early.

Folks down to the wire trying to get Brutosaur or deciding if they wanna spend the goal would be mad.

Anyone waiting til the last second for AOTC would be mad.

Gold maker’s would be frustrated they weren’t better prepared.

Any goodwill they generated by an “early” pre-patch would be quickly overcome by people furious that they weren’t given a heads up when it would end.

I know people will say, but you’ve had so long . . . yeah but if you are taking a test it’s still nice to hear “you have 5 minutes left” as a reminder rather than “times up” with no warning.