Any blood elf's here that don't like how evil the horde became

i’ve read every single post

somebody catch me up because most of it didn’t follow

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I mean, video games can have real world alignments especially how someone chooses to portray themselves online.

like painting with a whole brush isn’t helpful because it’s just too all-encompassing with few-to-no exception room allowed (it does exist in-and-out-of-game)

there’s just, at least locally, the odd (thankfully forgettable) “loyalist” that walks in to the realm forums or parades around in-game with whatever communication avenue they’re using (channel or RP under the “IC is IC” guise that can be abused) to prove Horde stereotypes to be hecka true

then you have bigger things like that whole Cannibal Corpse stuff

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All Horde players are personally responsible for Blizzard’s bad writing and are all terrible people for not playing Alliance instead.

That’s what I’m gathering from it.

now from someone who reads


We love our martyrs here on wra

It’s a secret campaign to make WRA Alliance busier again.

Which, if so, I’m not actually against. I miss Stormwind having people. Carry on. :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s typical forum discourse, this time with extra logical fallacies thrown in.

im still in awe that i was “ok boomer’d” by someone i was mostly agreeing with.

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I don’t get where this ‘all horde players are personally responsible for blizzard’s bad writing and are terrible people’ stick comes from. Is that…is that the joke?

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Karmas the great worm says it’s true

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Yep sorry guys it was me. Kotick wanted to make a REALLY good expansion for BFA but my decision to play Horde this expansion ruined it. I actually mained Alliance in Legion, and it was good. There’s an obvious correlation here.

You can shorten that honestly. Karmas The Great or The Great Karmas.

Oh worm u have bamboozled me…

same, i played my troll hunter to max and then ground out (still am, god Voldunai is slow and so am i) rep for allied races

then even played my Zandalari paladin from the ground up to max level again

i think i burned down Teldrassil twice

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Are you sure? I don’t feel richer…

(sint here)

it was me. i burned teldrassil with my own two teeth.

and toes. dont forget about those.

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like i dunno, maybe i’m wearing sepia toned sunglasses but i swear i remember the old drama being occasionally peppered with good faith arguments

maybe it was always exactly this bad


Best secret is that I actually prefer Alliance lore and races a little bit more than most of the Horde ones, with the exception of Blood Elves and Forsaken. And even that’s based partially on their alliance background, and fall to the Scourge.

I also prefer having RP at oceanic timezones though, so.

I chose to be a terrible person irl and solely responsible for the bad writing in WoW

by playing a Horde toon.

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incomprehensible have a cursed day (i like them funny troll fellas. livin in a big golden pyramid, with them dinosaur guys? amazing.)