Anvilmar Alliance Reconnections

Haha well thanks, probably one of the few that would do that.

I think there was a few others. I wanna say Frostblade, Remerex, and there was one other whose name is eluding me. Started with a K I think. Koop something?

My Druids name was Sarynn back then before I changed it.
Also had a priest named Blasphemie (in BC)

I was a human priest named Zalaxor - I believe I played with the contra guild near the end of vanilla

We had a guild named < Holy Cow > & < Holy Word > and would love to catch up with our old guild mates. :smiley:

Sup old Anvilmar folks.

Lynceus/Kraize/TJ human warrior. Seeing a lot of people I remember. /wave

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  • Ator, Human Warrior, Prot Spec
  • Brethren and Arise (very near end of vanilla)

Will be playing on Mankrik PvE if anyone wants to hit me up for some dungeons and end-game raiding when everyone’s leveled.

I feel like I know you…play as a warrior called humanknight

I was the turbo noob Hary and Minikiller, looking for my old guild The Night Renegades

I played a dwarf hunter named Knurla and joined the guild Requiem Eternum. Some of the characters I remember interacting with:

Asgaard, human warrior
Cantcme, night elf rogue
Chingachgook, night elf hunter
Elistree, human warlock
Jessiana, human priest
Justin, human warrior
Prayforyou, dwarf priest
Stif, human rogue
Treehuggr, night elf druid

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Hey, I played a Night Elf Warrior named Deata on here during Vanilla!

Wondering if that name rings a bell for anyone. I’d shout-out people I remember but I honestly remember more of the <Earned in Blood> days in TBC than my time here during Vanilla xD

Considering coming back to WoW for Classic :thinking:

I will most definitely be playing classic for sure lol it would be awesome to reconnect with you guys

Looking for old members of the ISCA Alliance on Alliance?

I was a Night Elf but became a Dwarf.

my battle tag is Zordez#1741

Eyehealu-Anvilmar Paladin and GM of Heavens Elite Council, HEC, one of the largest/most active guilds and #1 on server in WoD. I will be playing Horde on Faerlina, but havent decided on an Alliance server for classic. Currently GM of HighSociety-Stormrage #10 largest/most active guild on #1 largest/most active server. BTAG HighSociety#1881 if youre looking to get back in touch for retail or classic!

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I just sent you a request! I’m Narwhal#1584

Hey, guys!

I was Beobear a nelf druid, also Skeletalwrlk an undead lock before transferring off server.

I had quite a few friends, but as time has worn on, I’ve forgotten many of their names. If you remember me, hit me up!

BT: Ydarissep#1729

Hey there Healed! I was War, female dwarf warrior, MT and original GM of Arise. My memory sucks as well. Do you remember Carina and her husband who took over when I stepped down?

Long time no see, friend! BT kbh#1407

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Hello I played Vanilla on Anvilmare and I remember I was in a guild but for the life of me I dont remember. I was a NE Hunter named Eleandrus and ill being playing the same thing on Mirk ally Server. I was mostly a solo player and didnt do any raids but ive since become more social and would love to Raid. I ended up doing almost all of the Raids solo at lvl 90 lol Would like to expierence them the correct way this time. Cant wait to go to Ungoro Crater to try and tame that Trex again. Eleandrus#1992 Until Classic ill be on my 20 NE druid on anvilmare named Guinclaff. IRl my toons name comes from the Druid that knew King Arthur and Merlin.