Anvilmar Alliance Reconnections

Sorry I don’t remember u specifically but I too had gear by Deeon…the BS master of all trades (and many in his guild) miss how wonderful kind he was and yet how great he was skill wise in raids …I ran with him for abut a year each sunday to help find his very last of the BS reciepe. You have brought back many wonderful memories for me…and im sure at one time or another we met on a Deeon or Pantheon run .I wans’t a big raider but both of those guilds used to come on me wrath raids to scout for up and coming great raiders (we had a few) perhaps we even ran a few together…take care …Maddrabbit ( GM - Natures Fury). For those that remember me - I still play (not daily for 12 hr anymore lol but often) I’m with Rome now (yes that Rome is still around with DT , Nox & the gang). Pop in and say hi:)


Bro I was totally in your guild lol I played a Dwarf hunter Zordes

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Musclehead-Human Warrior and played as Manabattery-Dwarf Priest
Looking to team up with anyone who was in Contra Marines, even though we ended up on Madoran. Outside of the guild, looking to see if anyone below still plays.
Glornt-Dwarf Hunter
Dancy-Human Pally
Losttime-Human Warrior
If you would like to chat about what realm to play on, add me Gfresh#1995

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The great Tacobaal lives on! This is Velava the NE Hunter, Was a squeaker back in the day. Me and Aegoran still keep in touch and plan on jumping on classic when it releases. Hopefully we can get some of Fight Club back together!

Has anyone from this server decided what server they are going to join?

DUDE!!! Deeon!!! Can’t wait til we find him lol.


I was and still am Kiljae, the NE Hunter. Was really young back in the day. Came on in TBC, but looking for people from the guilds BROTHERS OUT FOR BLOOD, DEFIANCE, and From the Ashes. Hung out around Goldshire and Stormwind a lot looking for attention.

Awesome my dude! Dont know if you remember Titt yor Boomtastic but we still keep in touch. I plan on popping back for classic. Playing a little retail at the moment.

Hello all who reads this. I was a human warrior tank for MC called HumanKnight and mage name PanzerElite and lastly Rebt. Pally named Davethethrid. If you know me, hit me up XD

Zordes! I remember you! ^-^ virtual high five How has it been going?

Yes of course! We are trying to figure out the server we are going to roll on. Let me throw my battle tag out so you can add me and also aegoran he would love to hear from you!

Mine is : Ryan#18704
Aegoran : Panzer#11531

Was Golai in vanilla, and came back in Wotlk as Adamas. Looking for anyone who was in Kenjutsu, Mutiny, or any other guild was in that people may remember me from, hmu MacheteTank#1832. Also add me if you remember Tyrasill or Dejah on anvilmar, as I married her because of this dang game.

Hey Zordes I remember you too. I was a NE Hunter named Ricola, Boric’s wife :slight_smile: Will you be playing classic?

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Hello friends. I was Forestdragon/Waterdragon from Immortal Trust, as well as Sapphiremoon from Callahan’s Crosstime Sal. If you remember me, I’m sorry. I was like, 13 or something. Praise the lemon.

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Detrimental Human Mage

Searching for Kisthanth!

One of the few people I didn’t murder on my shaman back in the day…

Worwolfe, Human Pallidan - Created the Guild The Dragon Lords. Not sure if anyone is still around

Oh man, Orcins my dude. We had some sick Goldshire dance offs. Such good times. Glad to see you around again :blush:

Yeah, been a long time. Was fun until all of Stormwind came to kill me.

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Haha yeah, I was like Chris Crocker in gen chat. LEAVE ORCINS ALONEEE! Feel free to add me on bnet my tag is nohrianscum#1417 if I remember right.