Anvilmar Alliance Reconnections

I remember Eyehealu. I raided with you at the beginning of WoD. Knarsh - Shaman, Valica - Paladin, and Anvias - Rogue.

You probably don’t remember but i do. Good times.

Hey everyone,

I played a night elf rogue named Pyxie. I was mostly in a small guild called the Mome Raths.

Sup Fuhrest <3

Checking in. Same name. Sixfootgiant, was a Night Elf Rogue. :slight_smile: Cool to see some familiar faces.

Where’s Deeon the Blacksmith master? Or even the infamous Hunter Danget.

Hi there! Hoist here. Wasn’t sure if I would see anyone from our old guild here or not. How have you been? I sent you a friend request.

Ayy I remember my boy SmittyB haha
was gonna see if he posted here

I miss him! :frowning:

<3 <3 Pyxie

I played on Anvilmar late Vanilla and into TBC. Was GM of Non Combat Pet and also played a human lock named Relapse.

Treehuggr!! i know that name xD i mained colbiw NE druid :stuck_out_tongue: you’re on my friendslist still lol

I was in Havok along time ago when my guild Trickery merged. I think I remember your character name. My main was Abalone I played a Paladin.

hey there . remember Gerarde the pally and wankerstein the hunter? was in your guild back in the day with my wife who had a hunter named Maizi . hope u are doing well send me a note if you remember me.

Looking for anyone from Legacy, I was Sundance, NE Hunter, as well as Sookey, Human warrior. Looking through the thread, I definitely remember some of you other guys, but I think mostly because you guys were always in /2.

I’m currently setup in Skeram if any Legacy pop by and see this, but I’ll gladly reroll if any of you are setup elsewhere.

I didn’t ever really make a name for myself, but that was because I was a child playing with dad’s permission all those years ago. I eventually got my own account and played along side him, back when I was only 10 years old.

If anyone remembers Krimmson the Night Elf Warrior, that was my dad, and I probably remember you as well! He eventually was gifted an established guild from a friend he made after said friend retired from the game, and ran it for a good while into BC. I remember a particular night of him getting some guildies together (along with some PUGs to fill the remaining spots) to run Kara and it lasted for hours. He never finished it but everyone had a great go. Fun times! Lemme know if that name rings a bell; he doesn’t play any longer but asked me to check if anyone was left from back then. I’d love to connect with some familiar names. :slight_smile:

Ahh the good old days, anyone up for MC speed runs?!? I was Celor formerly of the guild Forsworn Legion. Also was in Pantheon, Hybrid, and Availed among others back in the day…

I do. I remember you. We ended up transferring servers, guild merged then fell apart if i remember correctly.

Nawtynurse (our vanilla realm popular chanter with the best bark imho) still plays and said he quit WoW casue of RL.

Deeon is missed :frowning:

Materblaster here, no desire to really play anymore, unless EVERYONE comesback. I have 2 children ( 20 months and 21 days old ) Good to hear from you, one of the best Druids i’ve ever played with.

Contra Marines was good times, very FEW of those guys are still raiding, I myself quit about 7 years ago. Good to see another CM running around.

Yo I remember you Celor.

I was a human Warlock- Yingyang, I raided with Forsworn Legion back in classic too, Also hung around Goldshire and PvP’d a lot. Was in Benediction in BC and beyond. Rolled on Pagle for Classic