Anu'relos mount


Anu’relos is a dragonriding mount? Please tell me it’s not true.

Not according to this:

1 Like PTR says it is.


I can’t link it, but the recent PTR build said it’s dragonriding mount. I thought it’ll be a flight form considering the theme in next patch.

Perhaps it’s both?

It’s not. It’s a mount. I can link another picture with my paladin on top of it. But it is dragonriding.

So unless pathfinder renders all mounts able to free fly, it’s a dragonriding mount.

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Excuse me then, I’m gonna cry in a corner.

It’s from mythic fyrakk though… so most of us won’t care.

Mythic only eh? Damn we gotta get CE next tier :sob:

its a regular mount that can dragonride & if you get the mount you can use it’s appearance as a flight form

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It’s both a dragonriding mount and gives druids the model as a flight form option.

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Well that didn’t help at all.

Well you tried.

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This one any better?


Ain’t home as of now so can’t confirm, hell I’m not even sure if one can see forms they haven’t unlocked in the druid’s barbershop.

You can see this one. I saw a video of it.

Bear with me a minute. Apparently videos from that crappy website don’t share very well.

Ok should work now. The fancy owl appears at 1:40. Along with other fancy owls actually. The lack of a legendary for them is ridiculous, but at least they are getting spoiled with new forms! Those moonkin look amazing!


It’s also a flight form. Apparently, if you get the raid drop mount, your Druid can also use it as a flight form.

That’s terrible. So only druid will be able to use the mount everywhere?

There’s already been datamining for the choice between standard and dynamic flying. Dynamic being dragonriding. So soon it’ll be usable everywhere.

Imagine the guilds who are able to clear Mythic raid, making bank on those players who have the disposable income to buy a carry just for that mount. So, not only is it a mount but a druid customization feature as well.

Darn, that’s a double dip charge on the rarity and a must-have.


I guess so, until they implement DR everywhere. Whenever that will be.