Confirmed still an issue. The teleporter never spawned. Also confirming the dungeon journal bug with High Command showing as portal keeper being dead.
This has been broken since 8.2.5 I wish to God they would fix it!
Portal keeper bugged saying she isn’t defeated, though I killed her. Cannot continue as portals to next area have not spawned. Normal - 10 - Solo
I put in a ticket once, and was told I needed to do a bug report, which I’ve done. I encourage anyone reading this to do the same so we can bring more attention to this issue.
Just happened 2nd lockout in a row.
Just confirming that this seems to be a prevalent bug that they need to fix. Happened to me and a bud on normal mode. High command marked as killed instead of Hasabel and now can’t progress.
Bug still happening… Just tried on LFR and after killing one the bosses, the rest die right after. Took the elevator and can’t get back across.
If you are talking about high command on LFR, once you defeat them, the wing is over. LFR is still split into wings and you have to do the bosses in a linear fashion.
So the first wing of ABT LFR goes Worldbreaker -> Hounds -> high command. and that is it. You have to leave and queue for the next wing.
FYI my partner and i just completed it. it doesn’t register hasabel as dead, and instead registers the antoran high command. once we killed the high command, portal keeper hasabel was marked as dead and the light forgers spawned allowing us to go to imonar. had to kill the elites to spawn beacons to get to high command.
hope this helps!
Gotcha I will try it out, I appreciate the input!
Bug still occurs for me, but confirming that you can still kill Imonar if you go back out the portal at the beginning, take a ride in one of the mechs, and talk to the NPC to go the “The Exhaust”
12/30/20 still bugged out… I was doing it solo for transmogs and once I killed Antorus, there was nothing to do but log out… not even the mech teleports were there for me to use. no portals… nothing… Blizzard…sigh…
Has this been fixed yet?
nope still bugged. solo Mythic worked fine to the high command but no portal to leave. Leaving the raid or game means nothing just keep respawning on that platform where the portal should be.
How is this still a problem? Got to high command and on the way back the lightforged teleport pad disappeared. Tried relogging, tried hearthing out and running back. Nothing works it just puts me back at the spot where the teleport pad disappeared. What a waste of a reset.
I’m currently having this problem on Mythic on my druid anytime I try to go in solo or am the group leader. I’ve completed the the dark titan sigil quest thing for the burning throne tele but after killing the first boss and hounds the teleporter pad and NPC’s never spawn. Not even after allowing the instance to do a soft reset. For curiosity sake I killed all available bosses that don’t require that teleporter pad to reach and it made no difference. The pad was still missing.
On my warrior and hunter it always works fine.
same issue here happened in a mythic run with group
Same. No teleporter after I kill the hounds. Two weeks in a row now on Mythic with my priest
6/28/2022. On my warrior I had just finished killing mythic Antoran High Command, & while returning to the teleporter accidentally pulled mobs, so I ran up to the teleporter in an attempt to just port away, but was unable to. So I killed the mobs. After I killed the last mob, the portal disappeared. All mobs between the teleporter & the boss were dead, the boss was obviously dead, & I am now stuck. I tried hearthing out & re-entering the raid, but it just ports me straight to where the teleporter should be. Waste of a lockout & I now have to wait another 7 days to try for my transmog piece. This was supposed to be the last week for me to finish the skip quests as well. Very upset. How long has this bug been going on??? Can someone fix this???
I usually run this raid with my wife as she still hasn’t received the Antoran Charhound and honestly had no idea there was a bug with the teleportation pads, simply because we’ve never had a problem with it. Today, I ran heroic difficulty solo for xmog items. I was able to get to High Command, however the teleport back had despawned. I came here looking for guidance. Adventure Guide seems to be in order (the bosses I’ve killed are marked as such, nothing crazy). Needless to say, two and a half years later and this bug persists.
I logged out while in the raid after posting this comment. I logged back in today (about 24 hours later) and found myself at the start of the raid. So maybe it’s a workaround fix? If you’re looking at doing this raid, don’t do it Monday night expecting to complete it, maybe?