Jumping in to further confirm - trying to do Wing 2 solo, brought in my partner after having difficulties on Hasabel, killing her prompted a falseflag on the Journal for High Command, and did not spawn the Lightforged Machines to progress to Imonar.
Extremely disappointed considering Legion Legacy Loot is on the horizon.
After killing the felhounds go back up the road to fork and go northwest, there are a few mobs on a round platform that looks like there could be a bridge there, kill them and a teleported drops leading to high command. After kill portal keeper go back outside and you will see two mechs you can get in, they will take you to the next teleporter to soulhunter.
Running it on Normal. Killed the Felhounds, the teleporter for the High Command spawned. Killed High Command, got loot. In the Adventure Guide, the High Command is NOT marked as killed, but the Portal Keeper is. Can’t progress further or even teleport back to the starting location.
Just attempted LFR again a few minutes ago, and still not working. Kill the Felhounds, and no teleporter spawns, nor are there mobs above to kill to spawn the teleporter up there.
On LFR, the teleporter comes down where the hounds are after killing them. Well that is where they are meant to appear. However that does not happen.
The adventure guide is bugged, the actual lockout is the only thing that matters. And that does register that High Command is dead when you kill High Command. Also the way you get back from High Command is to go down the elevator (or simply die from falling damage) and run back to the teleportation pad.
Trying to do a Normal run, killed Antoran High Command, and came back down to find that the Lightforged Teleport Pod had despawned. I’m unable to get back to the Raid entrance by any means. I’ve died, teleported out, etc. I’m sent back to where the Lightforged Teleport Pod should be, and it is gone.
As well, in the dungeon journal, it shows that I’ve killed Portal Keeper Hasabel when I haven’t, and Antoran High Command is not listed as defeated.