Antorus the burning throne bugged. I’m doing LFG for a Transmog run with my wife, After we kill the Felhounds the teleport to go to the High Command doesn’t spawn and we can’t get to the last boss of that wing, Same thing happens after you kill the Portal Keeper, you can’t get to Imonar. PLEASE HELP BEFORE RESET ON TUESDAY! Thanks (a Bug report has already been submitted in game)
I am experiencing this as well when playing raid finder in Antorus with one other person. Portal does not spawn after the Felhounds of Sargeras in order to access the Antoran High Command.
I’ve been experiencing this issue for the past three weeks myself, and came here to finally report it as a bug. I’m glad someone else already beat me to the punch, and hopefully this gets resolved soon. Really want to finish this xmog.
just experienced this as well which is a bummer for trying to get lfr transmog sets
Had this happen to me today as well. Portal to High Command did not appear, although the gateway to Eonar did.
Chiming in to say this is still a problem, no amount of leaving instance, de-partying, and coming back helped. Eonar’s gate opens, but Eonar’s encounter won’t work, and we can’t get to the high command at all.
Thanks for posting, I was about to log in and check it after this last patch, you saved me some time. I hate that this is still a bug… Hoping Blizzard fixes it soon!!!
Has this been fixed yet?
So this isn’t fixed - the teleport for the Antoran High Command platform didn’t spawn again…bummer
ugh! @Blizzard - PLEASE FIX THIS!!! ASAP!!!
As of today, hubby & I having this problem. We accidentally queued for Wing 2 first - couldn’t get to Imonar, went back to Wing 1 now having this issue with not being able to get to Antoran High command.
It is also worth noting that the adventure guide seems to have a glitch too, it has Portal Keeper Hasabel marked as not killed (though we killed her) and High Council Marked at killed (though we couldn’t get there).
Looking forward to getting this fixed. Need my pink feather t-mog! <3
Report it every week until it’s fixed! Thanks!
Periodically I check my Class hall for the kill a boss get a piece of mythic gear quests and go knock them out for a chance at some fun mythic mog
(despite the last dozen or so times it being a find me in the alps Neck or relic)
Apparently I was just lucky repeatedly getting the argus quest because now I have both the Antoran High Command (can’t get to) and Imonar the Soul Hunter (Likely also can’t get to if above reports are as accurate)
so… sadly still bugged.
Still bugged
Still not fixed.
Yeah I noticed this also, very sad that it’s been allowed to go on this long… Blizzard!!! Please fix this!!!
Still bugged
Still bugged, killed portal keeper and it didnt show we got credit (but did get loot). Had the same portal drop issue for high command.
STILL bugged.
Bugged for me as well. Here’s hoping Blizzard takes notice and fixes it before all the level squishing breaks legacy runs.