Antler customization

TLDR: Give Druids an antler customization! 3 different sizes. Small like the Cenarion helm. Medium that looks like the travel form antlers, and large like Malfurions.

How is it that Druid’s don’t have an antler customization yet?

They have the ability to make class specific customizations. We see this with the DK skin tones, and the DH skin tones and horns/tattoo/blindfolds.

It’s weird to me that Druid’s don’t have antlers yet. In Night Elf society, the people with a high innate connection to nature grow antlers.

Two of the most notable are Malfurion, and Broll Bearmantle.

I would love to have a Druid only customization for this. We can stretch the lore and say that it’s a Druid thing, and not just a Night Elf thing. Considering it only appears in Druids anyway. That way all the races could benefit from it.

You could start with 3 basic sizes.

You could have the small ones be like the Cenarion (T1) head piece.

The large ones could be massive moose antlers like Malfurion has. (Like the T2 head piece)

And the medium ones can be somewhere in between They could look like the travel form antlers. Larger and thicker than the small, but not quite as massive as the large ones.

Currently (and since Transmogs have been a thing) my Druid has used the T1 antler headband, as well as the BC look-alike ones. (They’re tinted blueish green to give them a winter vibe) But the headband itself that comes with the transmog is really stupid, and I can’t have any other helm while wearing that one. (Like the Demon Hunters can.)

Thoughts? Is this something anyone else would like to have as a simple customization option as well?

(And before you say “You can’t do this because all the gear would have to be re-done to make room for the antlers!” Well… Demon Hunters seem to manage just fine.


Hmm. I guess nobody likes customizations in this game.

Too bad, I thought it was a pretty good idea.

I doubt no one would disagree with you. Blizz needs to up the customization overall, look they have all this t mog but in druid form unless you do legion your a basic low res creature so yup.


I would just like the highmountain taurens to get a unique swim form, we are stuck with the basic one, But yes, if i didn’;t have antlers i would be begging for them once again


Yeah as cool as this sounds Blizzard has already seemingly given up on the character customization that was supposed to be a major part of why shadowlands wasn’t getting more allied races.

So I wouldn’t hold my breath on getting anything for only 1 class.

Honestly I can’t understand why they seem to not want to add more and more character customizations when it is by far one of the easiest things to add to a game like this that can help retain many players longer. They always claim that they want all the customizations they add to be “lore correct” but then things like this are missing, its baffling.

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I fully support this idea. Nothing says Druid like antlers.


Years later I still want this!

Well, see you in 2 days then!

Druids aren’t getting antlers with 10.2.

My bad, I thought you were talking about moonkin form. You mean like Malfurion, where he has them in humanoid form?

Theres a druid only hat coming with the patch that gives some rune antlers without any frills like an attached hat or band this patch which is kinda similar tho. Looks a little silly on highmountain and normal tauren but for the others its pretty good.

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Yes, that’s what I want.

Sweet, I’ll have to look into that!

I can’t for the life of me find the actual item, but someone posted a transmog with what I assume is the hat in question:


I’m definitely going to go for it. Looks like it’s linked to a treasure finding achievement.

Unfortunately there’s a lot more random stuff attached to it other than just the antlers. There’s a piece that surrounds the head and a forehead moon ornament and wooden pieces that run down the jaw line that look like spikes coming off the face.

I just want simple antlers without all of the extra flare. =(

Might depend on race but it also might have been they updated the model over the course of ptr.

When i viewed it on this character, none of that extra stuff showed, it was just the horns but worgen have a weird history with helms so everything else might have been clipped in or just turned off to not look dumb.

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We are getting Antlers as a Reward achievement with 10.2. The achievement is called “Treasures of the Emerald Dream” which has you go around the new zone in 10.2 to open 10 named treasures


Just did it myself. This link shows the full set if anyone’s interested.

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Yeah, I got it the first day I was able to jump on. It’s a cool antler set, but the additional head gear and the fact that it glows a certain colour makes it really only work with certain colour schemes for transmog.

An actual customization option in the barber shop for 3-5 options like how they just added the new Boomkin options would be super cool.

But, it’s cool for now.

I agree 100% on the color scheme. Maybe they’ll add in some recolors at some point, cause it really clashes with most of the colors of the emerald dream zone gear.

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