Character Tribalkat on Proudmoore server.
Did an entire clear of Vaults - did not receive a Bronze Bullion. I assume as boss loot that IF i missed it, it would show up by postmaster which i have no mail. I am 99.999% sure I didn’t miss the loot. I did a full search of my bags and double checked, no bullion.
This was my 3rd character to run full clear of Vaults this week.
My second my warrior same server same account Sonickat. It dropped after 5 bosses.
My first character it dropped after 2 kills.
Something seems off unless we are limited by account.
I ran 8 characters through the first wing of LFR and every single one got the bullion from the first boss. You have to loot the boss though and it doesn’t sound like you are sure you did.
Mind you out of those 24 bosses kills I only got 2 pieces of gear in total from them so maybe I used up my RNG on the bullion.
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You need to loot the boss to get the bullion. I’ve ran 5 toons through all bosses in RF and got on all of them when I looted the boss. Why you don’t get from Postmaster as lost loot idk.
If I’m not wrong, there should be a catch up system so you should get 2 bullions from the raid next week. Hope you do.
I ended up getting it on the 2 or 3rd boss of Normal after having cleared LFR. I’m pretty certain I didn’t miss looting a boss. I’m pretty good about that. Just really bad luck. I ran it on 4 different characters over the weekend.
- First one was on the second kill.
- Second one was on the 5th kill.
- Third one was on the second kill of Normal, after having done LFR.
- Fourth one was on the second kill.
Unrelated four Raszageth kills in LFR in two days is enough to cause someone to start drinking.
I just did ALL of the fated LFR and still got no bullions…
Character name: Warrspirit-Area52
I wonder how many people experienced this so far, not seen a lot of others with our experience. I’m so glad it dropped once I did the normals last week.
ya idk. I got it just fine last week, but nothing this week. was hoping to just upgrade my weapon b4 raid tonight 
I have killed 15 raid bosses overall so far on my main druid and still have not seen 1 bullion, even though my monk alt got 2 bullions in 3 boss kills. I have been looting the bosses to check
it seems to be working fine this week - not sure why some people aren’t getting - just got my second bullion and have only done the first wing of LFR both weeks.
I just accept I’m unlucky at this point, my general rolls and drop luck is absolute garbage most of the time.
well I am not usually lucky at all but these I have been getting consistently off the first boss. I got locked out of the boss just 30 minutes ago because I had 520ms so relogged but I still got it.
I play with my spouse. We ran all the raids together. I can confirm she got all hers within the first 5 kills. In fact only one of the five characters she ran them on wasn’t in the first wing.
Either some of us are super unlucky or the bronze isn’t being mailed to the mailbox if it drops and you don’t loot it. The later is totally possible, I have not seen anyone say they got theirs out of their mailbox yet.
The bullion is a currency, so you have to loot it, no exceptions.
Their usage of currencies there specifically refers to the currency tab, which the Bullion is not. Unfortunately it seems to fall in the gray area of something that should be returned but isn’t because it’s in a meme season that they barely QA tested.
The drops are not guaranteed on first kill either. My hunter alt only got this week’s on her second boss kill in the first wing after looting both.
WowHead categorizes these as “Junk”, which reflects how Blizzard categorizes them (since data mining reflects the original organization of the database).
So perhaps another reason you have to loot rather than killing and running and expecting Mr. Postman to come through.
I mean mr. postman sends me grey crap all the time when I’m leveling.
So, what if it did drop and you didn’t loot. Does that bug up your chance to get one this week?
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I also experienced this this week. All bosses in LFR defeated, no bullion. I am 100% certain that it was because the first boss had some strange lag issue that caused me to miss it entirely and get dc’d without being able to loot. I hope it drops later from other difficulties or that the catch up mechanic works next week.
no it will drop off the second boss if you miss the first for whatever reason.